Chapter 23

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*I apologize for any and all mistakes*

 *I apologize for any and all mistakes*

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It's been about 3 three days since Jayda left to go back home. I personally wasn't mad at her anymore. I know Kali could care less and Angel hates her, but I saw with my own eyes how broken she was. You can fake a lot of things, but heartbreak isn't one.

"We should throw a halloween party." Kali smiled from her usual seat at the kitchen counter.

"Won't there already be a dozen of parties being thrown?" I asked her looking up from my laptop. We were close to midterm and I was only stressed about two of my classes.

"I guess you have a point."

"And you're pregnant. 7 months to be exact." Angel chimed in from the couch. She too was studying for an exam.

"All the more reason to have it here. It doesn't even have to be that big." Kali pouted and stared at us with those eyes.



"Nevaeh!" Angel yelled surprised I agreed so quickly.

"Ha! Nevy says yes and she trumps you." Kali stuck her tongue out while Angel glared at me and gave her the finger.

"Can I at least ask Dontae?"

"Ask me what?" He asked walking in with two boxes of pizza.

"oooo gimme gimme!" Kali opened her arms and we all laughed at her child like behavior.

"Kali you're going to have to share with Nevaeh. Okay?" Dontae told her and she sighed before nodding her head. He handed her the box and she immediately went to town.

"Just save me two-" I started but decided to get up and get the two slices myself. She couldn't hear over her chewing anyway.

"So again, ask me what?" He asked again.

"I was seeing if you guys were throwing a party." Angel told him.

"Nah a few of us frats got into a situation that legally I'm not allowed to speak on yet. We're on probation." He chuckled lightly rubbing the back of his neck.

We all just stared at him. I wonder if Israel and the guys were also a part of this "situation". If so why wouldn't he bring up that they were on probation.

"uh okay.. well we're thinking of throwing a mini party here Friday night."

"I'll let the boys know. Will the others be here?" He asked looking at Kali and I.

"Well duhh! That's my baby daddy." She rolled her eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something, but bit his tongue instead.

"It's a maybe from me." I told him eating my second slice.

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