Chapter 17

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*Sorry for any mistakes*

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"GOALLL!" I yelled after scoring on Hunter taking the lead by 1.

"Man whatever." He mumbled accepting his defeat.

We heard a door slam which meant Khalil was back from wherever he went. He's been real mad lately and whenever I asked him about it he always said it didn't mater so I stopped asking.

Hunter and I continued playing the game for a few more hours before getting hungry.

"You tryna go to waffle house?" I asked looking at the time. The cafe been closed for 2 hours now.

"Yea. Want me to ask Khalil?" He asked throwing a shirt on.

"Yea you can. I doubt he'll come." I shrugged picking my phone up to see a text from Nadia saying she missed me.

I know what I did to Jayda was wrong and could even be considered unforgivable. It just happened though. She's a close friend to Taylor, so she was always at the house.

16 June 2019

It was three in the morning when I heard a small knock on my door. I thought it was Esme coming in here to sleep in my bed like she usually does, but I was surprised to see Nadia walk in.

"What you doing in here?" I asked unpausing the game not paying her much mind.

"Can we talk please?" She asked coming over to sit next to me on my bed.

I looked down at Jayda sleeping and made sure the phone was on mute. I usually mute the call when she falls asleep because I know how I can get while playing the game and I don't wanna wake her.


"What happened between us?" She asked and I gave her a funny look before looking back at the tv.

"You deadass? Like this a real question right now?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Josh doesn't ring a bell? Not once but twice Nadia. You left me for him again even after I forgave you and took you back. What makes it worse is that it was a week before prom."

"I made a mistake-"

"Yea you did. I love Jayda."

"I understand that. I just miss you as a friend. We were friends before we dated right?" She asked placing her hand on my arm.

"Yea we were."

"You know me better than I know myself and sometimes I just need to talk things through out loud. Your sister is a terrible listener, so I don't even bother with her." She mumbled and I sighed.

Nadia and I met my sophomore year. It was the first time she came to the house and ended up getting lost. I found her looking at some my baby pictures and we kinda hit it off from there.

The University: SophomoreWhere stories live. Discover now