Chapter 8

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"Good morning honey!" Nevaeh smiled at me from the island in the kitchen. Well isn't someone in a chirpy mood on this Monday morning.

"Morning." I mumbled walking to the fridge and making myself a glass of almond milk and a small cup of ice.

"You look..different. You going to class like that?" She cautiously asked me chewing on her lip. Everyone feels as if they need to tip toe around me for some reason. I mean I understand that I can bitch sometimes, but jesus I'm not a ticking time bomb.

"Yea, not in the mood to look like the bad bitch I am." I shrugged looking down at my oversized tee, biker shorts, and vans. Grabbing a water bottle and cup of ice I made my way to chemistry. I hate core classes because honestly there is no point especially if it has nothing to do with my major.

I walked to class in my own bubble like usual. I always hated the first day of class because they're syllabus days. So we either take a quiz over it if they sent it over the summer or we go over it for the next 50 minutes.

As I assumed we were just going over the syllabus so I distracted myself with my phone until it was over.

"Miss Jones" My professor stopped me from leaving.

"Yes ma'am?" I turned to her holding my bag with both hands.

"How are you?" She asked leaning on the desk.

"I'm okay?" I answered more like a question my face scrunching up.

"Well..." She started writing something down on a sticky note, "Here is my number if you need anything please don't hesitate to call me."

She looked down at the faint bump that still managed to show through the shirt. I slowly took the sticky note and gave her a small smile saying thank you before rushing out of there.

My next few classes were a breeze and after my last class I was starving so I decided to head to the cafe. Immediately walking in I saw Jalen's posse so I knew he had to be close around. I was hungry and sleepy and really didn't wanna deal with this today or ever for that matter.

"Wassup sis." Dominik came from behind me.

"Oh thank God." I sighed grabbing his arm as we made our way to the line.

"You good?" He asked looking around.

"Yea I'm straight just not in the mood to deal with the bullshit." I said closing my eyes.

"I see why." He mumbled just blatantly starring at them. I hit chest making him look away.

"I wish a nigga would try you while I'm standing here. At this point I'm sure everyone know I don't play bout you." He spoke with all seriousness. If this is what it's like having an older brother I wish I had him growing up.

"We good Dom." I tugged him along in the line and we got our food. I didn't feel like sitting with Dom's friends because they're all assholes, so he came and sat with me.

"Water with lemon?" He asked after putting his bag in the seat next to him.

"Yes please." I said not hesitating to dig into the fries. I haven't been experiencing any weird cravings yet, so my diet has been pretty healthy for the most part.

"Ayo when the last time you talked to that bastard?" Dom asked placing my water and draw down then sitting down himself. It's safe to say Dominik does not like Jalen like at all.

"Since that party why?" I looked at him while putting my straw in the cup. Don't drink straight for the cups people are dirty.

"Cause that nigga still got yo got damn name in his mouth." He said clearly pissed from whatever he just overheard.

"What did he say?" I asked suddenly feeling extremely insecure about myself. Dom took notice quick and grabbed my hand from across the table.

"Don't even worry bout it. I set that nigga straight." He said and I just nodded my head not in the mood for anything but sleep. I quietly finished the salad and water and was ready to go.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you back?" Dom asked me still holding my book bag.

"Yes I'm a big girl I'll be okay." I reassured him putting one airpod in. I held my hand out for my bag and he finally handed it over. Giving me hugging and a kiss on the head he sent me on my way. I put my other airpod in and started my walk back to my room.

I'm used to people starring at me, but I had this feeling I was being watched. I paused my music but kept walking now a little paranoid.

"Watch it hoe." A girl brushed by me immediately I recognized her from last year.

"Be careful Lex you might catch the disease." Shanti appeared from no where walking up. This was my first time seeing her since everything happened.

"What do you want?" I sighed crossing my arms.

"Some motherfucking answers." She snapped her fist balled up. I'd beat a bitch up pregnant and all if I had to.

"I can't answer something I was never asked." I stated and her face grew a reddish shade from anger.

"What happened that night?" She asked trying to calm herself down but failing miserably.

"Look we were both drunk, horny, and clearly regret our choices. Some more than others. I actually do apologize for what went down." I genuinely apologized.

"You was plotting from the jump wasn't you." She snapped at me and I kept the same resting face.

"No I had no intentions to sleep with Devon I was in my own happy relationship so why the fuck would I ruin that on purpose." I asked feeling like the conversation was going no where. Her lil friend was trying to discreetly inch closer to me so I put my airpods back in their case.

"Yes you did cause you a hoe. I seen the way you would look at him."

"Look you dumb bitch I ain't with all this back and forth so if you really got a problem hit me." I said dropping my bag. My hair was already thrown up into a bun.

Before anything could really go down I was dragged behind someone.

"Don't let me catch you in her face again Shanti. That go for yo lil friend too now beat it." Jalen bucked at the two girls who quickly grabbed their things and left.

"I can handle myself." I mumbled snatching my bag up and walking around him.

"I know you can but I wasn't bout to let you fight pregnant." He said walking next to me now.

"Oh now you care." I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"I've always cared Kali." He said and I let out a little chuckle.

"You don't live over here so why are you on this side of campus?" I asked ignoring his last statement.

"I wanted to talk."

"Get the fuck out of my face. When I wanted to talk it's fuck me, but apparently we moving on your time now?" I stopped in my tracks to look at him.

"I was... well am mad." He tried to justify, but I wasn't having it.

"I don't give two shits what you are that does not give you permission to call me out my name and disrespect me." I snapped on him. "Now I meant what I said the last time we spoke. Leave me alone please." I sighed and walked away leaving him standing there. I am over all this fuckery.

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