𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚆𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚛𝚍

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Age 6

Black Tower

"No." Lucas denied immediately. He glared at the blonde Princess. "I don't take students. Especially brats!"

Athena dramatically sighed. "I guess they were wrong about you when they said you were strong."

Lucas scowled. "Ha? What the hell are you talking about, brat?"

"If you were so great and strong, then teaching a little girl wouldn't be so hard." She said dramatically sniffling.

Lucas' eye twitched as she continued. "But I guess they were rumours after all." Athena stood up with a 'sad' face and turned around. A mocking smirk formed on her face as she walked towards the door. "I guess I'll ask the white wizard in Arlanta since you won't teach me. I've heard he's quite the genius. Maybe even more than you?"

Lucas twitched.

"I heard, he does take apprentices if they are capable and to his liking."

Lucas twitched again at the mention of the wizard and could literally hear him laughing at him if he knew about this.

"I suppose this means your magic is not that interesting if you don't want to teach others to carry out your legacy. How sad."

A tick mark appeared on Lucas' temple. "Wait!"

Athena's smirk widened. She smiled innocently and turned around. "Yes?"

Lucas groaned and clicked his tongue. "Fine. I'll teach you, but in return, you won't go to that idiot albino."

"Fufufu, of course."

"Manipulative brat." Lucas mumbled and scowled. It's all your fault idiot albino.

"My name is Athena Ambrosia de Alger Obelia. It's a pleasure to be your student. And I must say I'm fortunate enough to know your language as well, Lucas~."

Lucas' scowl deepened. Just great. Another royalty. "And what language is that, girl?"

Athena beamed. "Why of course it's sarcasm and narcissism. Something that you know all too well."

Lucas shielded his eyes from the bright light. What's with this light? He clicked his tongue. "I don't know what you're talking about, girl."

"Sure, you don't. I live in the Diamond Palace. Meet me there tonight."

Lucas smirked. "Oh my. Are you inviting a man to your bedroom, Princess?"

Athena smiled in response. "I never knew you were a pedophile, Lucas."

Lucas eye twitched.

"Then again, you have been cooped up in this dark, cold tower with almost no interaction with the outside world—especially women. I can understand where you're coming from. But please do understand I'm not into those things." Athena smirked.

A tick mark appeared on Lucas' temple. "Who're you calling a pedophile, brat!"

"See you later, Mr. grumpy!" Athena said before leaving the raging wizard in his room.



Throne Room

Athena looked smugly at her father. "He accepted, father!"

Eibom looked shocked. That narcissistic wizard with a foul mouth and bad attitude agreed to be his beloved daughter's teacher? Impossible! But from what he was seeing his daughter's smug attitude, it seemed it was true.

Anatsacius scowled at the revelation and clicked his tongue.

Athena looked at the brunette, standing in the middle of the throne room. He looked around 10 years old. He had a lazy expression with glasses. "So...why is a lazy four eyes here, father?"

Anastacius snickered behind his sister. Eibom smirked in response.

A tick mark appeared on the brunette's temple. "Who are you calling lazy four eyes, brat?!"

Athena smiled innocently.

Eibom cleared his throat. "This is Theodore Raskra, future Duke of Raskra Duchy."

Theodore bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highnesses."

Anastacius hugged his sister possessively and glared at the brunette. She's mine.

Theodore smirked mockingly at the blonde Prince. So you're a sis-con, brat?!

Sparks appeared between their eyes.

Athena sweatdropped and then sighed. "An?"

Anastacius glanced at Athena and then huffed.

"He's going to be your righthand man in the affairs of Lineburg Empire."

Athena looked confused. "Lineburg Empire?"

Eibom nodded. "Yes, that's your new Empire."

Athena blinked dumbly. WHAT!?

"M-My Empire?"

"Yes. You'll take the crown once you've reached your sixteen birthday. Anastacius has Obelia Empire. You both will be the rulers of Obelia after I step down as Emperor. Anastacius will be the Emperor and you the Empress."

Athena glanced at Anastacius, who was smirking. Oh boy. That smirk does not mean well.

"You'll start looking at the matters of state and attend the meeting of both kingdoms with Anastacius as of tomorrow. Theodore will help you with the paperwork since he's 10 years old. But I'm confident you won't need too much help from him."

Athena sweatdropped. Crazy....they're all mad! Who appoints a six-year-old as a leader to an Empire?!

Next time

"M-My name is Claude."

- Claude


"I'm your best and most beautiful big sister, Athena. Nice to meet you, brat!"



"You're interesting."

- Lucas

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