Author's Note

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Hi guys, 

I just want to say a few things. I have been patient all this time but it has its limits. Please understand that this has been going on all my fanfiction and I'm just putting it here as most of my readers are reading all my fanfictions:

1. Please for the love of God if you do not like this fanfiction for whatever reason then don't read it. No one's forcing you to and I have better things to do than read rude comments. 

2. Please read the tags in the story before reading and stop complaining if what you are saying is already stated in the tags! I just don't understand why some people ignore them and read the story and start complaining about the things that have already been listed in the synopsis. Like really? 

3. I know that there are some readers here who also read my other fanfictions. Please be aware that all of these books are fanfiction and I have the option of changing whatever I want in the storyline and characters. Like I can say a hat is a frickin weapon if I want, cause it's my story!

4. I have a job and studying a double degree at university so I have little time to actually sit down and write these. And sometimes I just need to cool off. So please be patient. I understand that you guys love to see what happens next and all but if you type 'update now' it won't happen or any death threats for that matter! I need to have something to write a good story. Why don't you write a story and you'll see what I mean by that.

Sorry if this comes as rude but I just have to say this now as I'm tired. To all those who read my story knowing all the listed warnings and haven't complained a bit, you guys are awesome! 

Thanks for reading this fanfiction and your encouragements towards this fanfiction. Again, if you don't like my fanfictions or are going to be pissed that I pointed out these points then unfollow me for all I care. My state of mind is way more important than that and I have to worry about my parents being in middle east and Europe with all the virus going on while I'm in Australia and I don't need another burden on me that would put me to depression which I really want to avoid. 

To my other readers who are nice and understanding, I hope you enjoy my fanfictions and to those who aren't fuck off! 

- Luna

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