𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚜

19K 864 624

Age 4

Athena sweatdropped at the sight in front of her. She looked at the two blondes sitting in front of her covered in dark aura, sipping tea and glaring at the air.

"How dare that pest touch my beautiful sister. I should kill him." Anastacius hissed.

"No Anatsacius that's too easy for his crime." Eibom denied with a dark look on his face.

What crime?! Athena screamed mentally.

"You should torture him first slowly. Rub salt in his wounds and then chop off his body parts especially what he holds most dear to him. Then when he's nothing but a snivelling puny pest you can kill him and then kill his loved ones and their loved ones. Also, make sure his torture at least takes a year. This way, they will go insane as well." Eibom smiled wickedly.

Athena was very disturbed at what her father was speaking with a four-year-old. To her horror, he was nodding with stars in his eyes. You would think he wanted to kill some criminal or a rapist or something when he's like this.

Anastacius beamed. "Yes, that's much better, father. As expected of a great Emperor as you."

Eibom puffed his chest in pride. "Of course, son. We have to make sure your sister is safe from any pests crowding around her. If you see anyone doing that you have my permission to wipe them out from the face of the earth, my dear son." he chuckled darkly.

Black lines appeared on Athena's temple. Ugh. What the hell am I seeing here?

The four-year-old Prince nodded furiously. "Of course, father. No one will touch Rosa."

Ah, that nickname. Rosa. Anastacius made that nickname from my middle name, Ambrosia. For some reason, he loved my middle name more than my first name. Probably because it gave me the same right to the throne as his. Athena thought.

"If they do..."A dark shadow covered his face.

A cold sweat went down Athena's spine. Yeah, she didn't really need to know what that madman would do if they did.

"Excellent." The Emperor smirked.

Athena looked at them and sighed in defeat. Why did she have to get stuck with two overprotective psychopaths? She really pitied the duke's son who touched her shoulder. She peeked at the father and son who were obviously planning the kid's death. She looked at her tea. Probably should arrange a funeral or something. I wonder if I have any black clothes? Hm...There should be some in those gifts he sens me daily. I wonder if there's any chocolate here. She thought totally ignoring the fact that the father and son duo were going to torture someone and then kill him merely for touching her shoulder briefly. It seemed living with those two had some effects on her mentality.

"By the way, father." Athena said.

"Hm?" The Emperor looked at his beloved daughter.

"I was thinking if it would be okay to learn magic from someone else."

Eibom narrowed his eyes. "Hoh? Did Madam Clare do something to you? Tell me what she did and I'll execute her." Eibom said.

"Oh ah well I accidentally killed her, yesterday." Athena scratched her cheek nervously.

"She was annoying anyway." Anastacius mumbled.

Eibom glanced at his son and then at his daughter. "Is there something I'm not aware of?"

"No." Athena denied.

"Yes." Anastacius said.

Eibom narrowed his eyes at the Prince. "What happened?"

Anastacius cleared his throat. "Well. The hag dared to mention marriage and housework to my Rosa."

Eibom's teacup shattered. He was covered by a dark aura, and his eyes flashed dangerously. "Marriage?" he said coldly as the temperature dropped to arctic levels.

Uwa! This is why I didn't mention it! Athena sweated.

"Yes, and Rosa got angry from her poor choice of words that she used afterwards as well and killed her with her magic."

"Hmmm....."Eibom looked at Athena and then nodded in respect and a hint of pride. "Good job. Make sure to do it again."

Athena sweatdropped. Is that something you should be proud of? And what you mean 'do it again'!?

"Who do you want for your magic teacher?"

"The famous black wizard of the tower, Lucas."

Anastacius hand twitched at the name. "Lucas?" He hissed.

"Yes. do you know him, An?" She asked innocently. She had started calling him 'An' when he called her Rosa a few years ago.

"Never heard of that narcissist wizard. Hmph." Anastacius looked away, annoyed.

So you have met him. Athena sweatdropped.

Eibom furrowed his brows. "Very well. But I've heard he doesn't take apprentices."

"Oh, I'll ask him in person. I am very confident he will accept my offer. Hehehe" Athena smiled sadistically.

The father and son shivered at her expression and lit a candle for the wizard. Rest in peace.

Next time

"I guess they were wrong about you when they said you were strong."

- Athena


"It's all your fault idiot albino."

- Lucas


"Who are you calling lazy four eyes, brat?!"

- Theodore


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