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It's been 8 months since Athena found out she was pregnant. Her belly was showing now. Everyone steered clear from the hormonal pregnant woman as she could quickly turn from a happy woman to a homicidal psychopath,  killing people for the simplest of things. This time, she wanted plums, but the palace didn't have any left after the banquet, so when the butler informed her, he was killed because he didn't give her what she wanted. All the while smiling and eating a strawberry as if she hadn't just killed a person. And then there was the Gardner, the poor guy accidentally cut of a rose and to his misfortune, Athena was taking a stroll in her garden with Claude, so when she saw that happening, she killed the gardener because he 'killed' her babies before crying nonstop. It took a day for Anastacius and Claude to stop her from crying. Both were sleep-deprived; they even question how she was crying nonstop. How was that even possible. A mystery that has yet to be solved.

Athena was currently sitting in her garden having tea with Anastacius while Claude was busy showing Penelope around.

Athena tilted her head. "A portrait?" Athena blinked.

Anastacius took a sip from his tea. "Yes. It will be a royal portrait for both royal purposes and keepsake."

Athena nodded in understanding. "Oh, okay. Does Claude know?"

Anastacius narrowed his eyes while smiling. "It will be just the two of us, my dear."

A shiver went down Athena's spine. "Why are you smiling like that?!"

Anastacius tilted his head while maintaining his smile. "Smiling like what?"

"Like you want to start a bloodbath." Athena said with a sweatdrop.

Anastacius beamed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Athena looked at him in disbelief. Yeah right. Of course, you don't.

The princess rubbed her temple and sighed. "If we're getting a portrait done, then we should also have one with father and Claude."


Athena smiled sharply at her twin. "We will do it."

Anastacius heard the 'or else' and looked away from his sister's sadistic smile. "O-Okay."

"Excellent." Athena purred.

After many hours of sitting still for portraits, the poor painter left in a hurry as the atmosphere would get colder by the second between the siblings - especially the brothers restrained in their places by the crown Princess' magic. Although, that didn't stop them from glaring at each other discreetly. However, that would stop as soon as the princess noticed it, and she would give them a warning by tightening her magic around them. The painter thought the Emperor would stop them, but to his dismay, not only did he not help at all, but he only watched his children with amusement. When the painter left, the Emperor went to finish his work, leaving the siblings alone.

Anastacius glared at his brother. "You may have gotten a portrait of you two together but remember whose fiancee she is."

Athena sighed. Here we go again. I need some painkillers to deal with this.

Claude narrowed his eyes. "That can easily be changed."

Anastacius smiled. "I assure you it can't as long as I'm here."

Claude smiled coldly at him. "Then I need to get rid of you, don't I? That can be easily done."

Anastacius ignored him and continued. "Oh then again, you aren't the one who slept with her, are you? Plus, you have Miss Judith as your fiancee, don't you? You'll get along nicely with each other."

Sparks formed between their eyes before Claude left without a word.

Before Anastacius could mock him for leaving, he yelped in pain and held his throbbing head with his hands. He looked at the culprit only to find his sister glaring at him. "Don't you think you've done enough damage for one day?"

Anastacius smirked at his twin. "Oh, but darling, what's life without a little drama?"

Athena sighed. I'm surrounded by idiots.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go after our brother who is hurt by your actions."

"But Rosa-" Anastacius whined.

"No buts! Butts are for sitting! You're not allowed to enter my room or even touch me for a month for what you did." She glared at him before leaving with a huff.

Anastacius sweatdropped at her comment before narrowing his eyes. I should find some way to kill the pest. Suddenly it clicked in his mind that he's not allowed to touch her or even enter her room. "W-Wait a second! You can't do that!"

"Just watch me!" Athena shouted without looking back at him while walking towards Claude's room.

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