Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Family members do not treat family members. Scut." She says, raising her eyebrows as if challenging him but he doesn't protest any further. She then turns to me. "Karev, you will be with Mr. O'Malley." She hands me his chart and I send George a comforting look before leaving the room. This is my second time being George's Dad's doctor. No pressure.


The chart that Bailey gave me had Mr. O'Malley's room number so I made my way to the surgical floor and when I finally get to the closed door, I see Callie standing at the nurse's station across the hall. Before I can put my hand on the door handle, she stops me.

"Hey, you're the intern on Mr. O'Malley's case?" She asks me and I walk over to her.

"Yeah, Dr. Bailey sent me." I nod as she looks me up and down with what appears to be a bored expression on her face.

"Fine." She says, taking the chart from my hands and opening it. "Look, I know that you're one of George's best friends and that I didn't make a very good first impression, but you seem...nice." She starts talking seriously out of nowhere which leaves me speechless. "Let's just focus on George's dad."

"Yeah, uh, okay." I stutter before she turns to walk into his room. I guess she does have a point, the first time I saw her outside of work was naked in my bathroom which is not the best way to get to know your friend's girlfriend. I never thought about how she must have felt, Izzie has been giving her a hard time but I never really had a problem.

"Hey, how are we doing?" Callie says with a big grin as we enter Mr. O'Malley's room. I have to admit, she is great with people.

"Not too bad, Dr. Torres." Mr. O'Malley returns her smile as I step into the room to observe. I notice that George's brothers are here as well. One of them looks over and spots me, I give him a smile as his eyes widen in realization.

"Dr. Karev! Audrey, right?" He laughs and I take that as an invitation to walk further in the room.

"Yeah, that's me. Good to see you again, sorry it's under these circumstances." I say before giving Mr. O'Malley an apologetic smile.

"Aah, no worries. One of these days, I'll meet Georgie's friends from outside a hospital bed." Mr. O'Malley jokes and we give him a laugh. After a while, they start asking Callie about her relationship with George and she starts telling the story about how they first met.

"Then I just popped his shoulder right back in! He didn't even flinch. Your brother is hard-core." She explains which earns a laugh from the brothers.

"George?" He asks, obviously not believing the story. I hear loud footsteps and I look over to see George walking into the room looking a little alarmed.

"Callie, what are you..." He starts to ask her but Bailey walks in before he can finish.

"Looks like you've got a full house, Mr. O'Malley," Bailey says as she walks over to his bed.

"Just waiting on the wife. She's in DC chaperoning a field trip." He explains to her.

"Yeah, she's coming in today." George's brother says before Callie turns to Bailey to explain Mr. O'Malley's latest stats. I turn to look at George who is standing beside me with his knee shaking. I lift my hand slightly and touch his arm.

"You good?" I whisper so no one else in the room can hear me.

"Yeah, I'm great." He says but it doesn't convince me. We continue to explain Mr. O'Malley's condition until we conclude that he needs an endoscopy which we scheduled for this afternoon so I was given a lot of free time to catch up on post-OPs.

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