4. Princess peppy

Start from the beginning

Matty walked me into the living room, tugging me gently in when I resisted, shaking my head at him, all eyes looked up at me, I hoped they hadn't all heard me throwing up. Tom shot out of his chair grabbing a hoodie passing it to me helping me to put it on touching the fresh bandage and cut knuckles gently as he did. I smiled at him sadly and he rubbed my arm smiling back pulling me onto his lap in an arm chair. I think Tom had saved me from anyone else seeing my fresh bandage and scared wrists as I had failed to put my bands back on. I looked up to clock candy still being super perky and flirty, all over max, like a black widow spider eyeing up her prey, he wasn't pushing her away.

I rolled my eyes and huffed "stupid bimbo" under my breath making Tom stifle a laugh underneath me. The boys chatted about random things while I sat with Tom quietly, candy laughed and giggled at everything Max said whether it was funny or not, constantly touching him which was irritating me immensely, physically squirming at every annoying noise that came out of her over confident mouth. At least he'd put a shirt on now. I sat wondering if he'd slept with her as part of this favour and whether he was going to again. whether this favour was dating this girl or just hooking up with her, either option made me feel sick. I wondered why he hadn't told me, why none of them had told me.

"So barbecue next weekend, Laura are you coming?" Milo asked, she smiled nodding giving Ed a peck on the lips.
"I'm free too, I can come maxey." Candy chimed in, shuffling closer to max as he attempted to move further away but there was no longer anywhere to go as he had been inching away slowly for the past hour because Matty had been glaring at him with his big brother death stare.
"No one asked you!" I muttered under my breath, Tom giving me a gentle comforting squeeze at my words, pulling my head into him. "I'm not coming out of my room if Max's bitch is coming" I grumpily whispered to Tom, who gave me a half smile. "I'm fucking serious Tom! If the sluts here then I'm not, I'll go sit on a park bench, if either them are here I'm not coming!" I Whispered to him, he sympathetically rubbed my cheek pulling my face into his neck trying to calm me. "If they don't leave soon I will and I won't come back, they've got five minutes then I'm choosing for them" I mumbled sadly into him, my silent tears hitting his neck as they fell. He sighed and I could feel him shake his head at someone.

"Why don't you ask William to come Jem, we haven't seen him in ages, is he in the country or off somewhere being a piano prodigy still?" Ed asked me, I looked at Matty then at max who's facial expression had turned from annoyed to sour.
"Is that your boyfriend Em?" Candy asked, I glared at the girl refusing to answer her, thankful Tom had dried my tears discreetly for me.
"Yes" max scoffed with an angry tone putting his arm around candy placing his hand on her hip rubbing it, I stood up ignoring them all, going to the kitchen to get some ice to munch on, I was hungry but crunching on ice is all I could manage without throwing it up right now, the stress of having dumb bimbo hanging around not knowing what stupid thing she was going to say next and the situation with max was triggering all my anxieties today, just the thought of what they would be doing later behind closed doors if she stayed made my stomach churn. I needed to get out of this house before she disappeared into his room, into the bed that I was in last night, with my max, not hers. I needed to plot my escape and quickly.

"You know that doesn't count as food right?" Matty commented annoyed when I walked back in with a bowl of ice chips.
"So!" I huffed crunching on ice chips lingering between the kitchen and living room.
"You've just....ugh never mind! But I want you to eat something else please!"
"Make me! I'll eat when they fucking leave! Like the rules fucking say. Asshole. I don't have to eat shit while they're still in my house" I mumbled through a mouth of ice chips, before retreating to sit by myself in the kitchen.

"Hey Em, can I talk to you?" Ed came in sitting next to me.
"Free country" I shrugged shoving more ice chips in my mouth.
"I'm sorry about candy, Laura's absolutely mortified" I didn't look at him, turning my head resting my chin on my hand looking out the window. If she was that mortified the bimbo wouldn't still be here. I hadn't realised the over sized sleeve of Tom's hoodie had rolled down my arm revealing the fresh blood stained bandage and cut up knuckles. "Em!" Ed gasped putting his hand gently on my arm, I pulled the sleeve up, keeping it held up in my fingers, pulling it away from him.

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