Gauri Need Him

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After getting all the reviews, the majority of votes were in the favour of scenario 1 to be posted first so here you go👇👇👇👇


Scenario:  omkara leaves for Germany to attend exhibitions leaving gauri as a responsibility of shivay. Lets see if gauri will be able to spend these days without him or not.

Important: Dandi is omkara's  manager cum best buddy.


" No Dandi ,you douche." Omkara says, flipping him off.

Dandi rolled his eyes playfully at Omkara resuming his conversation that omkara didn't have any interest in whatsoever.

They had been sitting in the back room of an office since morning waiting for an interviewer to come and grab Omkara for his interview that should have already been over and done with by now.

Omkara had been in germany for a couple of days and this was supposed to be his only day off for a while but he got called in for an interview instead.

" Do you really want to be here?" Dandi asked. Snapping Omkara out of his thoughts.

He quickly looked in his direction and smirked.
"Is that even a valid question?I could be sleeping my day away right now!" Omkara laughed, running a hand through his hair.

" Honestly I was really looking forward to this day off." Dandi replied.

Omkara shook his head and pulled his phone out of his pocket only to find that he had a missed call, two text and a Voicemail from Gauri.

He frantically unlocked his phone and tapped on the green " i message" button.

From: Gauri❤️😘

Omkara ji is it your day off today?

please pickup your phone.

Omkara's eyes widened immediately at the two unread messages from Gauri and just as he went to type back a reply, the infamous late interviewer walked in, ready to start the interview.

Dandi nudged his arm mouthing for him to put his phone away.

Omkara with his shaky, unsteady hand put his phone back in his pocket.

And he let out a sigh.

"Good morning Omkara." The interview said holding out his hand.

Omkara really just wanted  to slap his hand away  and criticize him for being late but instead he smiled back at him politely and shook his hand in return.

" sorry I'm a little late off schedule. We had a problem out front."

Omkara Controlled himself from rolling his eyes,knowing that the cameras has already started rolling.

"Oh,it's not a problem mate, we completely understand." Dandi said smiling.

The interviewer returned the smile taking his seat in front of Both of them.


" thank you Mr Oberoi." the interviewer said.

" it was wonderful talking to you." he places his papers down on his lap and stuck his hand out again.

God!! what's with this guy and shaking hands. Omkara thought.

"Thank you for having us." He says.

They both said their goodbyes and soon left the building.

Omkara started walking slowly towards his car,shortly after being informed by Dandi that they needed to get a move on to get to the next stop for the exhibition.

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