Doctor's Love❣️❣️(Part-4)

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The next day is rather uninteresting,only routine appointments,no special cases but omkara drives gauri again to work and gives her a ride back home.

He offered gauri to drive her everyday and Gauri offered him to make coffee and lunch to reward him for driving her.

It's wednesday afternoon when omkara asks gauri for the first time about her private life.
He wants to know whether she is in a relationship or not.

"You mean if I am single or not?" Gauri asks and flushed a bit.

"I rather meant if you are lonely or you know any one here but if you want you can tell me about your relationship status." Omkara laughs and crosses his arms in front of his chest,while sitting on his desk chair.

"Two times yes or no and yes. It depends." Gauri answers,smiling cheekily while resting against the treatment table.

"I'm confused." He runs his fingers through his hairs.

"Yes i'm alone or in other words no I don't know any one here and yes i'm single."

"Have you visited any place in germany yet? He tilts his head back and stretches his arms lazily to the side.

Gauri shakes her head" No,not really except for grocery stores and the pharmacy."

Omkara suddenly stops his stretching and looks at her.

"Why the pharmacy?" He gives her a worried look.

"Just precautions."

"Precautions for what?"

"First aid....."


"Cold and flue season."

"And what else? I know that's not all."

"Period cramps." Gauri says And looks away for a second.

"But you don't have cramps right now?
You're fit enough to work?" Omkara stands up from his chair and puts his hands on gauris upper arm.

"No,as I said just precautions."

"Ok but promise me you'll tell me if something is wrong." He tilts up her head by placing his fingers under her chin and looks in her eyes.

Gauri nods with a smile and om squeezes her arm gently.

He asks gauri on the drive back home if she wants to see the city,and gauri agrees.

And they visited several places before having dinner in a restaurant.


Next Morning

When omkara picks gauri up the next morning. He notices her rubbing her hand together even though its not really cold.

"Don't tell me you bathe with cold water again." He gives her a concerned look and Gauri closes her eyes for a second before giving a nod.

"You're not gonna stay in your home until this is properly fixed. I'll take you to my place after work." Gauris heart skip a few beat and she took a deep breath.

Omkara wants to take me to his place.Gauri smiles.

She couldn't belive what is about to happen but her thoughts got distracted as soon as they entered the hospital premises.

Gauris shift was exhausting since their were way more patients than usually for a thursday and most of them didn't want to wait for more than 5 minutes. She was giving her best to work as fast as possible and omkara tries to cheer Riddhima and her up by telling how good they were doing after every ten minutes.

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