"Looks like you're not leaving any time soon," Antonio says getting back on his feet. I look over Ed's shoulder and glare at him. I narrow my eyes at the small device, more like remote control device. My eyes widen when he presses the button soon followed by whirr of the metal doors.

Oh crap.

My eyes widen as I look at the door which is closing. I and Edward dash towards the door. I push my legs as fast as possible. Just before the door can shut close, I jump and escape by mere inches. I spin my head in search of Ed. My eyes widen as panic sets in me.

He's trapped in.

I quickly get back on my feet and bang on the door. "Ed! Edward!! Try to open the door!" I scream in frustration.

I keep banging on the door hoping it would open, but it doesn't. I take a step back and try to calm my nerves. I have to find a way to get him out. What do I do? Is there a back door or something?

Just as set myself ready to sprint through the hallway in search of a way to get him out, I hear a familiar whirr of the door.

Relief floods in me when I see Edward standing casually, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Missed me?"

"Not funny," I hiss in mock anger.

"Oh come on. Don't get mad," he gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Why would I not?"

He opens his mouth to reply but stops as we hear footsteps running towards us.

"The conversation isn't over," I say and run towards the exit with Edward in tow.

We run out of the warehouse towards the forest. We could hear the commotion soon followed by bullets fired at us. We keep running in zigzag not letting the gangsters get a proper shot at us. Suddenly, there was a ground shaking blast. I smile as I run towards the road.

We reach a familiar clearing and see our motorcycle parked few feet away. I grab hold of the helmet and get on the motorcycle. I notice Ed patting his pocket with worry written over his face.

"I think... I think I lost the keys."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I stole it," I say dangling the keys. He gives me a flat look.


"Remember we made a deal that I will be riding back?" I say as I insert the keys and start the motorcycle.

"You're always one step ahead, aren't you?" he asks wearing his own helmet.

"Jealous much?" I tease.

He chuckles and gets on the motorcycle with a light smile.


I mirror his smile and flip my visor down. I start up the motorcycle and take off towards the bridge. Everything was going smoothly until we got on the bridge.

There were so many cars parked horizontally blocking our way and many men pointing their guns at us. I quickly stop my motorcycle and decided to retreat back but there was another problem.

They blocked the other way too. To put it in simpler terms, we were surrounded. Ed gets off the motorcycle soon followed by me. We remove our helmets and place it on the seat.

"Give us the coordinates right now," Antonio yells.

"Anything on your mind?" Ed whispers slowly.

"Well, about that...." I start and scratch the back of my neck nervously. Edward turns towards me and meets my eyes and reads my mind.

"No." he states.

"What? I didn't even say anything," I act innocent.

"Emma, I know what's running through your mind."

"Ice cream."

"Apart from that.", he says rolling his eyes.

"It's fun," I state with a playful smile.

"No, it's not. It's fatal.", he says seriously.

"Fatal but fun."

"Give us the coordinates or we will do it our way." Antonio yells in anger. I ignore him.

"Em...please. Anything else on your mind?"

"Oh come on Ed. Stop being a coward."

"You stop being fearless."

"You either surrender or we will open fire," Antonio interrupts us again. It's taking every ounce of self control in me to not put a bullet through his mouth.

I look at Edward and smile sheepishly. "On the count of three. Alright?"

He let's out a huff, nevertheless, nods his head.


We both run in a lightening speed and jump off the bridge into the water. Bullets gets sprayed on us but we swim away towards the end of the river.

I place my hand on the ground and push myself up to get out of the water. Edward does the same and lies down coughing.

"That...was fun. Wasn't it?" I chuckle when he shakes his head.

"You're crazy," he says and closes his eyes. I laugh in return.

And that's how we escaped.

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