Dina - I wanna hold your hand

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Dina applied for a few colleges around Jackson and some farther. She even applied to some close to Talia, because a part of her still had hope she'd come around and support her.

It was weird at home when Talia was there. She'd stare at Dina, as if she wanted to say something, but she never did. They didn't watch TV after dinner together anymore and for the first time, she was relieved when Talia went back for college.

She knew Talia wouldn't tell their mother Dina was liking a girl, but it put a tension in their relationship. Dina liked Ellie and Talia didn't approve that she liked a girl because she was stupid.

Seeing Ellie wake up like that in the middle of the night worried her. Especially because she'd been drenched in cold sweat, and was shaking. How her eyes were clouded for a few seconds, then focused on her.

She'd looked so distant, so broken.

And then she felt so angry with Ellie's story. She was glad David was in jail, though she personally believed he deserved worse. He made her angry. It infuriated her that Ellie had to go through that, that David had come to her.

Fuck him.

She wished she could do something to help her, but Ellie wouldn't even touch the subject, acting like it never happened.

She was looking at Ellie now, the top of her hair in that tiny ponytail as she looked down at equations on her notebook. She was concentrated, her brows slightly furrowed and she scribbled down numbers. She still had bags under her eyes, but they weren't as dark anymore.

"Are you okay?" She heard herself asking and Ellie looked at her from the corner of her eyes, nodding.

"Yeah." Dina hummed. Should she talk about it with Ellie? She was still worried about her, but she had a feeling Ellie didn't want to talk about it.

She went back to her own homework. Tests were coming fast as January was ending, and track season was the next thing she'd have to worry about. She had to be in her best shape ever for this year's race for her resumé.

"Do you wanna take this somewhere else?" she asked, closing her binder and looking at Ellie.

"Uh... Sure?"

"Let's go, then, I need a hot chocolate," she pulled Ellie's hand, making her laugh and put her stuff in her own backpack.

"Say no more," they walked out of the library, and Dina slipped her hand in Ellie's, intertwining their fingers. She didn't miss the small smile on Ellie's lips. "I've been thinking," Ellie said after a while, "and I... I really like you."

She chuckled. Ellie's cheeks were red til the tips of her ears. It was cute and it made her heart warm from seeing it.

"You've been thinking about how much you like me?" she teased, making Ellie roll her eyes. "I'm flattered."

"Shut up, Dina," Ellie shook her head, taking in a breath. "We've been going out for some time now, right?"

Dina nodded, smiling at her. It was almost February now, so they had been hanging out for quite some time. Since Dina kissed her that day before Christmas to now, she had stolen a bunch of kisses and Ellie herself pulled her closer for a few rare ones. And it's been almost three weeks since she said she "liked liked" Ellie.

"Uh... so, would you like to be my girlfriend? Like, officially?" Dina chuckled, stopping and making Ellie face her.

"Ellie..." she furrowed her brow, trying her best not to smile and she saw Ellie look up and tug at her backpack straps, her whole face red.

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