"Don't mention it, girl. But I have to tell you, I used your second wish to save your life."

Ziana smiled and then embraced Genie in a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving my life."

Then she bolted upright.

"Genie! Come on, we have to warn Jen!!"

"Jen? You're going by nicknames already?"

"Genie. The Serpentress, Savinna, she tried to..to...to murder me. We have to go warn them! I think she's going to try to go for the thrown. We have to hurry."

Ziana tried to stand up, but she wobbled and fell over again coughing up for seawater.

"Hang on, girlfriend. Take a breath."

"There no time, we——." Ziana started, but then she broke out into coughing again.

"We have to go, I gotcha ya. Come on."

Genie picked her up by her waist and they flew back to the palace.

"So, I take it you told him the truth?" Genie asked

"Well, kinda. He still thinks I'm a princess. Which is a good thing? We had kind of a rocky start—Carpet will tell you all about it—but then it was....it was wonderful."

"Yeah? What did you do? Woosh him away on a magic carpet ride?"

"Actually, that's exactly what I did. And guess what? He spoke to me! And then he touched me!"

"Touched you?"

Genie stopped mid-flight and produced a large doll out of thin air.

"Where did he touch you? You don't have to say anything just point to the body part on the doll." She said in a serious tone.

"No! No, it was nothing like that Genie. He held my hand, and he didn't flinch away from me."

"Well that's...that's something. Good job, I guess?"

"Genie. It was a good thing I think he's finally...finally defrosting and it's so good to see him smile. I think he's finally accepting what happened to him. And now....now he can move on."

Genie's face softened and she smiled, "Good."

"Now come on, Genie! We have to get back there before that snake of woman steals the thrown and destroys everything!"

They stopped long enough in her room for Genie to conjure up a sword.

Genie handed it to her, "You go save him,"

"Arnt you coming with me?" Ziana asked, suddenly scared.

Genie shook her head, "I can't risk Savina seeing me or the lamp. Once she realizes that you found the lamp she is going to try everything to get her hands on it. It is safer that I stay here." Genie said gently, looking up at Ziana.

Ziana smiled, and then took the sword from Genie. She whistled and Carpet came to her.

"You go save him, girlfriend!" Genie said, giving her the thumbs up, and then she disappeared into the lamp.

"I will."


Back at the palace, Jenssin sat at the edge of his bed. His long fingers gently traced the black stripes on Raja's head. For the first time, in a long time, he smiled as he remembered flying through the air with Princess ZiZi.

There was a loud knock on the door, and his little bubble of happiness broke.

"Come in." He said, and he watched as his grandfather walked in with the Serprentress Savina and two members of the royal guard.

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