Chapter 22

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I watched as they injected Mandy with a needle. Sorry I meant multiple needles. This is going be the longest four hours ever. What do they do for four hours anyways? Its not rocket science to figure out that Mandy was just fine. She looked perfectly fine, actually that was it. She was perfect, and there wasn't anything really to check. But apparently she wanted the surgery just to check if she was alright. Saying that it had something to do with interference with her blood stream and all that. I don't even know. But she said to trust her so that is exactly what I am doing.

Suddenly her hospital bed appeared at my side, with a scared girl looking back at me. My heart sunk at the sight of her in a state so frail. Never had I seen a girl come from a position so fierce fall to one where she is so weak and vulnerable. Maybe it wasn't humanly possible, then again, Mandy never was one to be average. She was super smart, had some next certification from the government and can sing. Sometimes I think that she is an alien. A talented, smart, kind and beautiful alien that had a personality that can shine through any rainy day. How did my life come to this?

"Gabe," her frail voice choked out," I'm scared". The only thing I could do was smile. As wide as my heart would let me anyways. I just couldn't show her I was just as afraid. That would've made her start to worry herself. So I did what I could do, or should do.

Leaning over I whispered, "It'll be ok. And you will be just fine. I will be here when you come out. I promise". And with that I kissed her on the forehead. Letting my lips linger for a moment before pulling back. Taking on last look into her eyes I saw fear flicker. Then relief and finally a blank look. Her eyes then fluttered shut.

"Mr. Morales I am afraid that you will have to go down to the lobby now. We are about to prepare her for the surgery", her doctor said to me. I nodded numbly, as Cole wrapped an arm around my shoulder, giving them a tight squeeze. Leading me out I looked over my shoulder. Seeing as the stretcher slowly was wheeled the other direction.

"Come on, it will be ok. I promise that she will be fine", Dana said as we all walked into the elevator. I walked straight to the back and held on to the barister, trying to balance myself. Breath in breath out and repeat. It really wasn't rocket science, but my body couldn't seem to take control of this simple function.

"Gabe, breath man, breath!" Cole screamed, thinking I was probably going to die or something.

"Sorry guys. I just am worried", I breathed out, slightly out of air.

"Don't you think we are?", Lizzie whispered. I turned to stare at her. In the 6 years I have known her, I have never EVER heard that girl whisper. So that's saying something. Her, Mandy and Suzy were known for their crazyness although in class it was more contained. But now the two other girls, who were usually happy go lucky were know as pale as paper. And just as fragile and limp. Lizzie was now crying into Cole's shoulder while Suzanna was staring at the ground trying to hold back tears. Her body literally heaving with emotion. She looked like she was about to fall if a wind was to come and knock her over. Will placed his hand on her back and she dropped to the floor. Her head buried in her hands, her back shaking with the rush of emotion that had just exited her. My own eyes filled with tears. Next thing I knew Lizzie was weak in the knees and was leaning against Cole for support. Alysa was down beside Suzy along with Will trying to calm her down. I stood my ground beside Dalton who, like me was staring at the madness before us. Suddenly the elevator door opened.

Will picked Suzy up from the floor and carried her out. Cole with Lizzie leaning on her, lead her out, holding her by the waist and slowly limping out of the elevator. Dana and Alysa, who were the most collected, (though the girl in the surgery was one of their sisters), walked out with calmly as possible. Then there was me and Dalton. He made it his responsibility to get me out of the elevator alright. So he took my side and put his arm around my shoulders making sure I wouldn't fall. All in all I am so grateful that he was there or else I probably would have fallen down. We took one step at a time and we walked to the caf in the lobby.

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