Chapter 23 (Mandy's P.O.V)

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Am I in heaven? Am I dead? Wait if I'm dead how can I think? Am I a Ghost? No I died already! What about my family and friends? Wait and Gabe? Ooh poor Gabe. No No No I cannot be dead. Wait if I am dead then why do I see the ceiling?


Yes, I am a ghost. It is officially confirmed. Wait if I am I ghost why do I see my brother asleep on the chair beside me....

Am I sent to haunt my brother. Cool to the fullness. Or maybe I am alive. Yeah I am probably alive. But where is everybody? Did they all ditch me? Do they think I'm dead. Because clear as day I am alive. I can breath and I'm moving. Best day ever. Ok maybe the best day ever was my date with Gabe but this comes a close second. I mean come on, how many times can you say I nearly died, but didn't. Yeah that's what I thought.

I think I have gone completely loca. Seriously but back to reality and my sleeping brother. He looked so cute when he is asleep. And holding his daughter like she is a pillow... Yeah I do not think that is suppose to be a good thing.

"Andy", I said well choked, as soon as I found my voice, "ANDY! WAKE UP!".

"Huh what", he awoke with a start. I giggled under my breath. He always was so weird when he woke up.

"Daddy, I am tired. Stop moving around", Jocelyn said snuggling into her father, but he just took her off her lap.

"Mandy are you alright? Do you need a doctor? Know what nevermind, I am going to go get a docto", and with out me even saying a word he got up and left. I just stared at the open door.

"Aunty are you ok?" Jocey asked me. I nodded. I was still kind of numb but I was glad that some one cared about me. Unlike my so called boyfriend who was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah I'm fine honey but do you know where Gabe is?" I asked her, looking around the room.

"He is at the studio. There was a mean man that took them all and wouldn't let them stay. Only Aunty Alysa could stay", she explained. Mean man? Oh the producer. Well yes of course he wanted us to film. He is spending money on multiple people who are paid to film so of course he wants us to use the time he is paying us to film the show. Talk about selfishness.

"Hey Aunt Amanda", Darcy said walking in. I smiled at the look of her. She was only a few years younger than Alysa but somehow she seemed more mature. Which is strange because Alysa has a criminal record but that was in experience.

"Hey Darcy, whats up?" I asked cheerfully.

"Well three things. One: why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" she complained. I rolled my eyes before she continued. "Two: why didn't you tell me you are going to be on t.v. with im5?" To this I just shrugged and waited for the last point which I had antisipated was going to happen for a while now. "And three: why didn't you tell me that you are dating Gabe Morales from im5 which is on the tv show you are staring on", she screame dout. I winced at the volume of that question.

"Sorry about that but why didn't you tell me", she whined. I shrugged.

"Well it all happened so fast and even I didn't have time to process this myself so I am so sorry", I said holding my arms out for her to come hug me. But Jocelyn ran around her and instead I brought her into a hug. While this was happening Darcy pouted.

"Come here Darcy", I said motioning for her to join what was becoming a group hug. I brouhgt Darcy in and she snuggled her head into my shoulder. I missed hanging out with my neices and nephews. They are all so adorable and so sweet but I just didn't have the time to be with them and bond with them.

"Aw my little sister and my daughters are hugging. Can I join", Andy said from the door. I was about to protest but he beat me to it and brought us all into a hug, while crushing my back.

"Um dad, you are kinda crushing me", Darcy gasped.

"Sorry honey", he mumbled as he let us go. I rolled my eyes. For a man that was nearly 35 he is such a child sometimes.

"Well your phone has been ringing nonstop sis, so here you go", Andy said handing me my phone. I reached over and grabbed it out of his hand. My baby. How I missed you. Sorry but my phone means everything to me. I checked the inbox and I realized that I had 37 text messages and 29 missed calls. Wow a girl is in surgery for a few hours and this is what I get for being unconscience.

I checked who they were from. There were 7 texts and 6 calls from Laura and Suzy each. 3 texts and 2 calls from each of the boys. And from Gabe, 11 texts messages and 9 calls. Wow talk about anxiousness.

 I decided to call Gabe first to make sure he is alright. I wouldn't want him to be all worried about me. It just broke my heart to see him this way.


two rings

three rings


Then I dialed again, trying one more time.


two rings

three rings


I can't believe this he sent me to voicemail. Twice. Maybe he is busy. Suddenly I got a call. Gabe. Yes yes yes yes oh yes!

"Hello Gabe is that you?" I said anxiously. Did I sound retarded? I probably did.

"No this isn't Gabe, its one of the interns", the voice said. My heart dropped. Why would I be talking to an intern.

"Can I talk to him please", I begged.

"I am sorry but he is", then there was a paused. I leaned into my reciever.

"He is what? Answer me" I ordered. I didn't want to sound snobby but this guy is really ticking me off.

"Sorry miss but I can't I mean I am not obliged to give that kind of information. I am sorry. good bye now", then he hung up.

I just got hung up on.

By an intern.

Somebody is so going to get hurt today.

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