Chapter 10 Mandy's P.O.V.

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"Mandy, wake up. Come on we gotta go. We're gonna be late", Lizzie said shaking me awake.

"Ok give me a sec", I said pulling my pillow over my head. I was exhausted from last night, and discussing what had gone down in the studio, and what really happened that night in the garden.

"And there is something I need to tell you", Suhy said looking rather unsettled to me. I nodded and headed to my closet. I picked out my simplest ensemble since I was basically going to get changed into a completely different outfit.

So I walked out of my room wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top with frills along the neckline and hem. Hey I said simple, I didn't say ugly.

"Hey ready to go?" I said to Suhy and Lizzie, who were lying on our couch.

"Yeah but first just sit Mandy, we have to talk", Suhy said in her I'm-going-to-act-like-a-responsible-adult. I groaned. We talked all night what more do they need.

"Guys I told you already, ok so we actually did kiss. And that it was you know one of those moments. Kay? So are we done here?" I said getting rather annoyed.

"No, Amanda. Sit" Lizzie ordered me. I just stared at her. In all these years she hasn't called me Amanda in that tone once. I was taken a back. So I simply just took a seat.

"Mandy, what did you feel when he kissed you and please tell us the truth", Suhy asked me. I didn't want to tell her. I didn't want to tell her anything, nor Lizzie. I don't want to talk about it at all, I just want to forget everything.

But I looked at them with fresh eyes. I realised that they had my back and I could tell them anything. So I guess I'll tell them.

"Ok so maybe to me it wasn't just a kiss. Maybe it meant more to me, but it didn't to him so what am I going to do", I explained as somber as I could.

"Mandy, I don't know how many times we have to tell you. He likes you, not Mia. Girl, listen I know that it may not look like it now but I know deep inside that he feels the same way", Lizzie said. Wow, Lizzie is deep. I found this new found deepness in Lizzie amazing.

"How would you know? He is in love with Mia, and clearly has no intention of breaking up with her. He even told me", I said putting my head in my hands.

"Mandy, come on. Open your eyes. Can't you see. Mia is playing him. Making him guilty into not breaking up with her but then she will be the one to break him. Do you want him to be hurt?" Suhy asked me with her sweet voice.

Yes, yes I do want him hurt. I want him to see that I was right. That in the end it was me, it IS me. And it always will be. It will be the only way. But I knew that Lizzie and Suhy wouldn't understand me.

"No, I don't", I lied, "But I know that at the end of the day, he choose Mia over me", I said truthfully the last part.

"Mandy, look it doesn't matter if he does or not. Because I knew and I think Lizzie agrees. We know that in the end, it will be you chica", Suhy said pointing at me, using my signature spanish trademark. I smiled, I knew inside that I didn't believe Suhy or Lizzie.

"Alright. Come on we better go we're late", I said getting up adjusting my shorts.

Ok let's go!" Lizzie said standing up. I looked at Suhy who was thinking the same thing.

"Crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun!!" Suhy and I screamed, as we walked out the door.

This day was almost bareable.


"We are here!" Lizzie belted out.

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