Chapter 21

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The next thing I knew water was thrown all over me. My eyes shot wide open. What just happened? I looked around the room. Trying to remember where I was? Am I still at the graveyard? Is the funeral still going on? Amanda! Is she really dead? This can't be. My life is over as I know it. I brought my hands up to my eyes, rubbing them furiously. Holding back the tears that I was trying to hide. Crying is a weakness, a weakness that can throw you out of balance. Show every one that you are weak.

Opening my eyes I felt a hand rest on my arm. I turned to see who it was. Clamping a hand over my mouth tightly, was what it took to keep me from screaming. Staring back at me was the best thing I have seen in days.


She was alive, it was only a dream. I must have fallen asleep in the hospital room. I looked over at my girlfriend and dropped a few levels.

She was so pale. Her face looking like the life was sucked out of it. She wasn't even breathing on her own. Using one of those breathing machines with the mask on it. The hand on my arm quivering, shaking as if she was gripping to all the energy inside her. I.V coming out of her hand and a few wires inserted to help her life source burn. But what suprised me most was her smile. Even in a state of sickness, she was smiling. It radiated off of her, making you ignore the fact she was sick and possibly dying.

"Thank goodness that your awake Gabe"A voice exclaimed. Turning I saw Mandy's brother, looking at me amused. He tossed me a towel. Looking at him confused he just laughed. And motioned to my face, which then I realised was wet. Wiping my face I turned back to Amanda, who was giving me the same smug look as her brother. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't keep a straight face. Her smile was infectious, in a good way.

"Your alive?" my voice quaked out, stuttering a bit but I managed to keep it even.

"Was I ever dead?" she asked me, smugly.

"I don't know. I had a dream that you......"I trailed. What am I suppose to say? I had a dream that you were dead and I dropped to my knees and cried. Nope, not going to happen. I tell her I cried, even in a dream and I will never live it down.

"Let me guess. You had a dream that my sister was dead?" Antonie exclaimed once again. This time I winced. As did Amanda,

"Yes?" Phrasing this statement as a question. It wasn't on purpose but I didn't know if that dream was really a dream. It was so vivid, and real. But since Amanda is clearly alive, I'm guessing that it really was just a dream.

"But Auntie Mandy isn't dead. She is right there Daddy" A little girl said pointing to Amanda.

"Yes, Auntie Mandy is just fine Jocelyn", Antonie said walking his daughter over to the hospital bed. Lifting her so that she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Daddy? Who is this?" Pointing at me, confused. Jocelyn looked almost scared that I did something wrong.

"That sweetie is Mandy's boyfriend", Antonie said putting a hand on my shoulder. I felt scared all of a sudden.

"Are they going to get married? Are you going to get married to him aunty"she asked Amanda , jumping slightly on the bed. This made my eyes widen and Amanda start choking on water. I turned to her seeing if she was alright but she just waved me off, telling me she was fine. Jocelyn pouted at this exchange. I smiled. Children. They are so naive.

"NO! We are not getting married. I am only sixteen. No, nada, nein, non. And no", Amanda said stressing the we-are-not-getting-married aspect of all this.

"Well not yet anyways", I muttered.

"When you do get married. Can I be the flower girl?" she asked excitedly. Hopping on the bed again.

"Jocelyn, stop jumping before you break the bed", Antonie warned his daughter. I looked at him. Somehow this man has five children and two more coming. From what Amanda told me I think that Jocelyn was 7. The fourth of the five alive. Fourth of soon to be seven children. I think I remember the order. It was Darcy (11), Calvin(9), Brandon (8,), Jocelyn (7) and James (4). And then the new twins. I am dead serious when I say this. THEY NEED A PROPER HOBBY!

"But Daddy, I want them to get married" she pouted, huffing quite loudly. Crossing her arms over her chest.

"I promise that when I get married that you can be my flower girl" Mandy promised her, holding her pinkie out like a little girl.

"But are you going to marry Gabe, aunty?" she asked again, still looking at me accusingly. Seriously, this girl is harder to please than her parents. What do they teach children these days?

"Yes, Jocey (pronouced Josy). Yes they are" Antonie said taking the breathing mask off Amanda and giving her some water.

"Um who put you in charge of who I get to marry", Mandy gasped, gripping the air mask and puting it back on instantly.

"Um the moment mom said 'look this is your little sister Andy" he said arching his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes but felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down to see Jocelyn pulling on my jacket. I kneeled down beside her.

"Are you going to marry Auntie Mandy Gabe?" she asked sweetly. I smiled and whispered into her ear, "I can only hope Jocey, I cna only hope". She smiled at my responce. I winked at her and turned back to Mandy.

"Hey we have got to run alright. Come on Jocelyn" Andy said motioning for his daughter to follow him. She ran up to the hospital bed and kissed her aunt on the forehead and ran after her father.

"She has the biggest imagination. Just like her father" Mandy said through her mask. Breathing in deeply as she gasped for air. As she did I took a seat beside her, wondering how this ever happened.

"As long as you are going to be alright", smiling, I told her.

"Gabe did they tell you yet?" she asked me. I shook my head. What could they possibly tell me? My girlfriend is fine, that's all I need.

"They have to do a surgery on me. To make sure I'm alright. It might take a while though. But there is a high chance I will make it through", she said calmly, "But there is a chance that it may effect my blood stream. Causing some sort of disfunction to my heart".

I gaped openly at her. She can't be serious. A surgery to see if she is alright. I know she is. Just look at her. What more evidence do these people need?

"Don't worry, it's going to be ok" I said, taking her hand again. She shook her head, rapidly. I could tell that this freaked her out. And as if I read her mind...

"Gabe I'm scared"< she whispered to me.

"You are going to be ok, you will see. And then we can get back to regular everyday life. I promise", I said, trying to believe my own words.

"Thank you" she said, "For being there for me".

"I will always be there for you, no matter what", and after planting a kiss on her forehead, I tried to believe those words too. But it was hard considering what is about to happen.

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