Chapter 1

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Why does it have to be deep to be meaningful? It doesn't seem right to begin with, but its true. I guess that's why it sticks in your head. Like those sappy romance stories. I had always been a romantic. Waiting for my own happy ending. The key word is waiting. As is currently waiting, and still waiting. But it never happens that way.

I'm Amanda Toralie, or by my stage name Mandy Rali. The thing is being famous does not help you find love. Just ask anyone famous, I mean look at how miserable Jennifer Lopez is. No offense to her, I mean she is an amazing dancer. But it still made it harder for her to find happiness.

"Mandy! Get down here!" my manager, Cynthy screamed.

"I'm coming!" I said slipping on my sandals and running down the stairs.

As i jumped off the last step, I looked around my living room to come face to face with 5 boys. What the heck?

"Darling finally! We have been waiting!" Cynthy said opening her arms to bring me into a huge and tight hug.

"Um yes why are there random people in my living room?" I said looking over Cynthy's shoulder staring at the 5 boys on my couch.

"Ooh honey remember that song we wrote last week?" my sister Alysa said sitting next to one of the boys.

"Um, yeah the one called Living Life Up?" I asked letting go now.

"Yes, well these boys are staring in a new television show and want to use your theme song", Cynthy said excitedly.

"Wait, so they are just going to take it? That's it they can just take it?" I said aggitated.

"No of course not, you will be on the show too", Cynthy said looking like it was her that they choose to be on the show.

I have to say though, I was so excited. I mean finally my own show. Yeah sure I had to share the spotlight with these guys but I don't care.

Then I remembered the other people who were there. Suddenly I reconized the faces on the couch. My sister always had posters of them all around her room. Though I couldn't put my finger on their name. Then one of them stood up, the blond one. Sorry but I wasn't familiar with their names.

"Hi I'm Cole", he said taking my hand and kissing the back of it softly.

"Its my pleasure", I said sweetly. Then i looked up to see the rest of the boys stand up, well most of them. Except one that seemed to be in deep conversation with my sister, so he got up introduced himself and sat back down. The rest of them introduced themselves. The others named Will, Dallton, and Dana (prenouced Dayna, I know sounds like a girl name). Then came the last one. I could tell he was somewhat latino, but there was something about him that was different. Almost warming.

"Gabriel Morales, but you can call me Gabe", he said shaking my hand. He wasn't like the other boys He didn't try to charm me or get away from me (to talk to my sister). He just introduced himself and moved on, for some reason my heart hurt. Then something rung in my head.

Gabe Morales, Gabe Morales, Gabe Morales

My mind just kept repeating his name. Then I remembered who he was.

My mind flashed back to when I was in 6th grade.

I had just moved to Miami and just got my braces and these really big glasses since they didn't have normal sized glasses for my perscription. So I was your basic nerd girl with huge geeky glasses and braces that made every word that came out of my mouth sound strange.

I remembered when I walked into that classroom. Every eye on me, the glimmer of laughter building in there faces. I remebered when the teacher annouced she was leaving the classroom for a bit to get something after she put me in my seat beside Gabe. As the teacher left, I remember I was about to sit down, but instead crashed to the floor.

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