Chapter 11

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Wow I can't believe that this happened. He is so going to break up with Mia now. He has to, she cheated on her. Ok so what, yeah I know that he cheated on her with me that I'm me and she's Mia. THere is a big difference. I did not intend to kiss him, like I said before it just sort of...happened. She deserves to be dumped, well broken up with anyway. I know that she is blood and everything but she got everything, like everything; the least she could do was give me Gabe.

I guess I have to admit it now. I like Gabe. I seriously do. Everytime I'm around him he makes my heart skip a beat, my palms sweat, the blood pressure in me rise a couple hundred degrees. This isn't a new feeling, I have had this feeling since the first time I meet him. I remember the feeling of my cheeks and how they burned against my skin. It was incredible.

As I walked back to the studio, I kept thinking to myself if he does break up with Mia. What am I suppose to do? Act calm as if I saw it coming (which I did) or comfort my cousin? Should I tell my friends I'm the reason or keep quiet until all the drama dies down. I know I would be a bad cousin and friend if I kept quiet but I would be an even worse cousin if I told her I did told Gabe. I don't want to see anyone hurt, I really don't. I am a decent person and don't like to hurt anyone even when they deserve it. It just wasn't well me?

I walked into the studio to be whisked away by Cynthy who dragged me on to the set. I stood there very confused. I read the script very breifly but I think that I might be able to do this. So I smiled and began to work my magic, as Cynthy would say. And I have to admit, it was awesome. I got to act and be on tv and the best part, they pay me, ME. It is a dream come true. Especially for Lizzie. The lucky girl. From the first episode they made a love line for Cole's character and hers. The first episode, the key word here is 'first'. She gets everything, it's not fair.

Well it wasn't so bad for me and Suhy. We had pretty decent character's but Lizzie's was the best. Suhy was in a story line with Will. Now don't think happy thoughts just yet. THey were in one of those I hate you I hate you more I hate you most; then somehow they manage to live happily ever after. But hey don't forget about me. The good part was that I had a story line with Gabe in it. But the sad part we were just friends although Gabe's character does have a crush on mine. It was one of those geeky yet cute crushes, like the one I had. Huh, talk about a turn of events. I swear that it was a typo or something but I guess not.

With these thoughts still in my mind, I just had to smile. As I walked into my dressing room to change back into my clothes I stopped dead in my tracks infront of the mirror, in my normal clothes. I checked every angle of my body I possibly could, then I sighed. I was still just average. With those clothes I had on earlier I at least had a sense of specialness (I am aware it is not a word). But not in my own clothes, I just felt average. Then I saw Cynthy's reflection in my mirror. Holding my oufit, wait my oufit?

"THis is for you. Dani and I thought that you look totally fab in it so you should keep it", she said holding it out to me. I stared at the outfit then at Cynthy.

"Are you sure? I mean thank you, thank you so much Cynthy", I said taking the outfit from her hand and hugging her tightly. With that I ran out to go find the girls. I turned the corner and then heard screaming. I reconised the voices instantly. I stuck my head around the corner and saw Gabe and Mia. Oh no. Their faces both red from screaming at each other. I also saw the other boys and Gianna, Mia's BFFL trying to keep them from ripping each others head off. I tried to turn around and creep out of there.

"AMANDA!" Mia screamed. Oh shit. I was so close. I turned slowly repeating in my head that this wasn't happening. When I was fully turned i saw a enraged/ broken Mia. HEr eyes were red rimmed, her cheeks flushed, bags under her eyes and a scowl on her face. I have never seen her like this since that time her dog died. Just saying it wasn't my fault. I wanted to walk him and he slipped his collar and crashed into a 16 wheeler truck. Again not my fault, but I knew this was.

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