Chap 7 part 1, Forgiveness and Confessions

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 There is a fluff/soft moment in this chap so look out for that hehe!

After the performance, I couldn't face anybody. Everything I saw that day made me afraid. So I only did what I could do, get away from the situation, and run to my room, lock my door and not answer the hundreds of texts I was receiving. Okay maybe that wasn't the best decision, but what else was I supposed to do. Sighing I look outside my window, if you were to look at this school you wouldn't think of the kinds of things that go on from behind the scenes. Like I once thought........... I have grown so fond of the friends I have made, but I have come to find out that there not who they seem to be. Legoshi seems to have this side of himself that unleashes an inner beast. A beast that is full of rage and hunger. I've seen what he was going to do to that rabbit and what he did to Bill, maybe he isn't the wolf I thought he was. And Bill oh Bill I didn't see that coming. Consuming blood for who knows what and the only question in my mind is where the hell does he get it. It can't be from a student or anybody willingly, can it? He seems so sweet and charismatic I would've never thought he dope with blood.

Dragging myself out of bed I find the courage to finally open my phone and face all the messages I have been receiving. Most of them are apologies from Bill and Legoshi, saying they want to meet u and talk or if they can somehow make it up to me. Strangely enough, I haven't got a text from Louis. Not that he has to, but he was there with me when all of that went down so I would assume he'd checkup to see how I was, but I guess not. Okay Y/n your gonna grow some damn balls and your gonna go to class and act as nothing happened. Your gonna wait for when the time is right and face both of them and your gonna take control of the situation. " Yes! That's how it's gonna go down." Rushing to get my uniform on, I go in and out of my bathroom getting what I need and bringing it out to the center of my room. Multitasking I manage to get done brushing my fur and teeth and get my things and head out of my dorm. Looking at the time on my phone I see I have a bit of time before the first period starts so I make the decision that I'm finally gonna introduce my self to that rabbit from the gardening club. Changing directions I make my way towards the building where it's located. Making my way up there stairs and through the door, I'm again met with the beautiful sight of the flowers and the warm feeling I can only describe as love. If there was anything good I can say about the school at the moment it would be this place for sure. Looking around for the rabbit I walk more towards the center of the garden and look around. Maybe she's in the small building? Walking toward the small structure I take a peek inside and sure enough, she was there and look to be doing some work. Bracing myself I gently knock on the door and it immediately gets her attention. She looks surprised to see me and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Standing up from her desk she makes her way to the sliding door and opens it. " Hello there, Is there something I can do for you?" Oh jeez, where do I even begin? Bowing in front of her I speak up. " My name is Y/n miss, I don't know if you remember me, but I was that girl who stood up to those girls that day they were picking on you. My behavior was not acceptable towards you or those girls, I let myself get carried away. And I also didn't take into consideration how you feel afterward. I did not mean to make you feel in any way that you were in need of saving, you're not weak, and you're fully capable of defending yourself. So please if you can find it to forgive me I will be grateful." God, I hope I didn't sound too desperate I don't want her to think I'm some kind of unstable carnivore.

Contemplating my existence the rabbit suddenly bursts out laughing. Standing now up straight I give her a confused look, but she only continues her fit of laughter tears now forming in her eyes. U-uh? " Miss, did I do something that amused you?" I probably did make a fool of myself. " Calming herself she shakes her head and looks up at me with a smile. " I guess you can say that hehe I just never in a million years would've thought a carnivore would apologies for sticking up for an herbivore." Leaning on the door frame she continues, " I usually don't accept help from anybody, I don't like to feel as if I'm weak or someone everyone needs to help. I don't need anyone's pity." Closing her eyes she walks past me and goes in front of her precious flowers. " Being the weakest of rabbits I know I am already weak, but I like to think otherwise. So you don't have to apologize hehe you were only doing what you thought was right and I can respect you for that." Turning to me she holds out her hand. " Well Y/n I'm Haru and if you don't mind I'd like for us to be friends." Oh wow, this went better than I expected. Taking Haru's hand I start to shake it. " It's nice to finally make your acquaintance. I hope we can be good friends as well." After our introduction, we find a good spot in the garden and start chatting away. Telling each other things about ourselves about our experiences so far. " You know Y/n you remind me of my other wolf friend." Oh, that's right Haru and Legoshi know each other too. " You think? How so?" Looking away I lightly blush and hope she wouldn't notice. Me and Legoshi the same? No, I'm hardly like him. " I wouldn't say that." Hearing the bell ring I stand up from the bench. " We should eat dinner together if you want. We can talk more then." Walking towards the door I turn back and wave bye to my new friends and head to my first period. Now I gotta face Bill and be upfront with him.

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