Chap 13, A Hero who Saves but Secretly Loves

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Y/n Pov

I know I need to calm down, but how can I!? They both did that behind my back they played me for a fool! Breathing heavily, my steps down the halls echo, my rage very evident on my face. My knuckles begin to hurt from how tight my grip is, but I don't care, nothing else matters.

Hearing my name being called from behind me I turn and see Haru running after me, well trying to at least. " Leave me the hell alone Haru I'm done with you! There is nothing left for us to talk about!" Eyes are all on me, the herbivores stare at me with fear, some with disgust. " Y/n, please listen to me! I didn't mean to hurt you! Don't hurt Louis!" Stopping in my tracks I turn to face Haru my heart dropping. Those around us whispering to one another their gazes not leaving me. " Did you hear that rabbit she said that wolf wants to hurt Louis!"

" I don't want to hurt anybody! Haru why would you say that!" Walking towards her, other students stand between her and me. " You stay away from her you won't get away with hurting Louis." A crowd starts to form around me and even though I tower over these students I feel as though I am the one in danger. " Please this is just an m..misunderstanding!"

" Y/n!" My name gets called out from the crowd and everyone's heads turn to the source of it. " Hey leave her alone!" Pushing his way through, Legoshi makes his way over and takes a hold of my hand. " What the hell do you all think you are doing? Are you alright Y/n?" Shaken up by the whole situation I only blankly stare into his eyes. Fuck I didn't mean for things to get out of hand.

" Legoshi we need to get out of here, they aren't going to understand the situation no matter what I say." Haru only stares at us letting the students around us close in as others ask if she is alright. " Haru tell them I don't mean any harm to anyone!" Pleading with her to fix the situation Haru doesn't say anything. " Haru?"

" You were so angry and said you were going to talk to Louis I got scared!" Everyone turned back at me and I can only stare at them in shock. " I have every right to be angry given the situation between us, but I would never hurt anybody." The students around us start to whisper among themselves, Legoshi gives my hand a squeeze and looks at me reassuringly mouthing to me that everything will be alright.

Legoshi Pov

" Look whatever the situation is that is going on it has nothing to do with all of you. This is between Y/n and Haru even if Louis's name was brought up it is none of your concern." How can everyone just choose one side when they don't know the whole story. Y/n didn't stand a chance at getting a word in with all of them against her, and for Haru to allow this to get out of hand shows she wants Y/n to be shown as the bad guy.

" You all just need to mind your business and continue with you're lives Y/n has done nothing to harbor you all to gang up on her and Haru it's not your place to get in the way of Y/n's emotions." Right now I'm the only one who will stand up for Y/n. She has been through so much already I don't want her to go through it alone. I will be there for her.

" Now if you'll excuse us we are going to leave this situation before things become worse because you all are being unreasonable towards Y/n." Taking Y/n by the hand I lead the both of us out of the crowd of students, before leaving giving Haru one last look of disapproval. " Don't ever talk to us again Haru."

Walking through the halls the only thing going through my mind is keeping Y/n safe. This environment isn't healthy for her, I don't want her whole school experience to be full of drama and having to deal with it by herself. Glancing at her for a quick second I catch a glimpse of her eyes and my grip on her hand tightens. Her eyes are brimming with tears, but she continues to put on a brave face.

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