Chap 6, Drama in the Drama club!

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         "Louis if you knew you were hurt, why didn't you get any medical help?" I asked the deer. We were both currently in the medbay I was there to keep Louis some company before I headed to my first class and to see how his ankle was holding up. " I knew what I was doing Y/n. I had it all under control so there isn't much to worry about." I sigh knowing I had no chance of winning this small argument. " Fine, but if this happens again I'm going to personally drag you to the infirmary and take care of you myself." I shift my gaze towards Louis who seems to be off in another world. Shanking my head and smiling I take a seat on his bed to get his attention. " What's wrong Louis? You were off in some other land for a moment there. Is your ankle hurting? Should I call a nurse?" All these questions start running through my head, but instead of answering all Louis does is caress the side of my face and brush his thumb under my eye.

" Who gave you that black eye?" He asks me concern showing on his face. Should I tell him? What if he makes fun of me. No, he wouldn't. Would he? " A few herbivore students did this because I had stood up to them when they were bullying another student. I didn't fight back because I didn't want to cause any trouble or get in trouble so I let them have their way." Remembering all the punches and kicks I took that day I subconsciously run my finger over my jaw and look away from Louis. Some carnivore I am. " Tell me the names of the students who did this, I'm sure I can get this sort-" " Oh no Louis it's fine you don't have to do that. What you need to worry about is getting better and besides I don't know their names." Shaking my head I give him a small smile and I thank him for being concerned, but that this is something I need to handle on my own. " Alright, if that is what you want then I will respect your wishes, but do me a favor and fight back next time I'm sure you can defend yourself. Don't worry about getting in trouble I'll back you up." Oh this deer what am I going to do about him I think to myself letting a chuckle slip out as I nod my head. " Anyways Y/n, today is your first day that you're going to be in the Drama Club I assume you changed your schedule as I asked?" Oh yeah huh? Today is my first day. " Uh yes, I had it changed. Bill said he'd fill me in on everything and get me acquainted with everyone, he also said he would assign me a few tasks. Though I don't wanna do anything without your permission so what would you have me do?" Louis is the president of this club so only he should be able to give me assignments. Waiting for a response all he does is start to lean forward causing me to back up a bit, but then he brings his hand up to my head and begins to pet me. Giving him a questioning look I don't decide to move just yet and I wait for some sort of explanation. " Yes... you should only come to me for permission...... and for anything else." He tells me, now scratching behind my ear. Woah is this really happening? Is he really petting me right now? I just stare at him in awe blushing out of embarrassment because I kinda like it.

Closing my eyes I just let it continue, I want this moment to last for a while longer. Sadly I didn't have much time the bell was gonna ring at any second, so I had to cut things short. I pulled away and gathered my things. " I have to start heading to my class Louis I'll come back later to check up on you okay." He looks up at me and nods. " Tell me how Drama club goes when you get back."He tells me and with that, I say my final goodbyes I make my way out of the building and head of to my next destination. As I'm walking I bring my hand to where Louis was petting almost feeling the warmth that was once there. " What did he mean by coming to him for anything? Ahhhhhh! Why does high school have to be this way?" Slouching the rest of the way to my class I get inside and take my seat. Taking out my notebook I start to write down what the teacher is saying already wanting to go back to my dorm. I'll ask him what he meant by anything when I go see him again I think to myself. Just then Bill comes in and takes his seat next to me looking out of breath and just a mess in general. " Is everything alright Bill? You look like you've been through a literal Hurricane."Getting settled in his seat he takes all his stuff out and tries to catch up. " I slept through my alarm and I forgot to do the homework so I had to rush everything and on my way here I may or may not have tripped." He nervously laughs causing me to give a light chuckle. " What made you so tired that you slept through your alarm? Let me guess you were probably up late last night ravishing some girl hmmm?" I say in a teasing manner. Becoming friends with Bill was one of the good things coming to this school because he and I can say whatever we want with each other and know it's all fun and games. At least that's what Y/n thought... "I was not! Maybe, yes, no? Ok yes, I was with a girl, but that's not why cause trusts me I can last for hours sweetcheeks." Giving me a wink I roll my eyes and give a light punch. " Calm down Tiger I didn't need to know that much hehe." I tell him, getting back to my notes. " Face it my honey flower you know you want a little bit of me, perhaps your even jealous of the lucky girls who get some of this." He points to himself throwing his arms up in the air and flexing.

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