Wanna let you guys know

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I am currently working on chap 10 it's just taking me a while to find time to do it. I have two art classes I'm taking and my teachers are pushing out a lot of work. But don't worry I'm still working on this fanfic and I'm not just going to leave it behind and forget about it. With that being said for future chapters the story will have many plot twist and I can't wait to write them!

Thank you for all the reads it really makes me happy to see that people enjoy what I'm writing, I can't believe we hit 3.6k reads! It's amazing really. Also how do you like the new cover? I drew it up and I wanted to see how it looked. Though I think I might change it again lol. 

On a side note I'm thinking about writing a black butler fanfic and it'll be from the book of circus arc. I was wondering if that's something you guys would like to read? I'm planning on using an OC of mine and I have a lot of ideas for the fanfic.

Anyways have and amazing day/night stay safe my readers! ❤️

Who loves me? And who do I love?  - Beastars x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora