I've been tossing around the bed for about two hours and there was still no sign of sleep.

After meeting the vile creature also known as the woman who gave birth to me, I've been restless. How could she threaten her own child?! She was really stupid if she thought that I was gonna live with her without a fight.

But the most important matter was that I have to apologize to Darius. I got up from my bed and made my way to his room. His room was just beside me. I smiled remembering the tantrums he threw, wanting my room beside his.

I tip toed inside his room but stopped when I saw his bed empty. I looked around his room. "Darius?"

I pulled out my phone and saw the time.

12:44 AM

Where could he be?

I walked outside to go to the kitchen but found no sight of him. Biting my lips with worry, I pulled my phone and called him.

After the fifth beep, he answered.

"Baby?!" I winced and pulled the phone away from my ear, before putting it back.

"Darius! Where are you?"

"Oh now you're worried?! Didn't you tell me to fuCk off?" My eyes widened after nothing the slur in his voice.

He's drunk!

"Darius, don't you dare lie. I didn't tell you to f off! I told you to leave me alone!"

"Yeah yeah. Same thing. You don't know how much your words wound me." I closed my eyes, sighing.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Well your sorry won't fix anything! But I'm up for fuCking negotiation and me being generous as fuCk, ten kisses will make me forgive you." I giggled.

"Okay. So now can you get back home?"

"Home?" I hummed. "I like that you called my home your home." I blushed. I didn't even realize I said that. "But I can't! Do you want me to fuCking die?! I'm fuCking drunk and cannot drive!"

"Okay. Then ask Isaac or Ace to drop you."

He snorted. "Those fuCkers are not here!"

What the hell was he doing alone at a party?!

"Okay....what should I do now?"

"My my aren't you fuCking eager to kiss me?" I smacked my head with my palms.

"I'm trying to get you home!"

"Liar liar pants on fuCking fire!" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. Text me the address and I'll come to pick you up. Can you do that?"

"Yeah! What do you take me for?! A fuCking toddler?!"


I wanted to scream.

"I'll text you the address. And you come here instantly. I'll be waiting. Bye! Love you! Muahhh!" I laughed shaking my head at idiocy.

I waited for fifteen more minutes before I got his text. I rolled my eyes at the drunken texts that he sent me later.

I didn't even think before running outside the house. I walked a little further before hailing a cab. I told him the address and thanked god, it wasn't that far from his house.

The sound of loud music reached my ear even before the house came into view. The cab stopped in front of a white mansion. I quickly paid the driver before getting out. I made my inside the house, walking past the passed out teenagers.

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