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"It takes two to tango"


"Why are we here again?" Isaac muttered, as the car came to a stop.

"At seven in the fuCking morning!" Ace yelled as we got out of the car.

I shrugged my shoulders. "We're here to get breakfast."

"But you hate this place." Isaac gave me a suspicious look, coming to stand beside me.

I nervously laughed. "No. I don't. In fact I love this place now. The last time I came here with my family, I instantly fell in love with his place." We entered the small cafe. "And look its great here."

The cafe was located at the outskirts of the town. The owner claimed that everything that has been here was made by him and his family. We called it bUllShit but the girls believed him. And so loved this stupid cafe.

"But you hate to wait this long for a daMn breakfast. What changed?" Ace asked as we settled on one of the chairs.

"Can't we just eat here?"

"Fine." He grumbled as he looked through the menu.

I began to look around the cafe. It was  empty. Only one couple sitting and enjoying their breakfast.

I heard laughing from the outside and turned my head just in time to see Charli, Elo and Natalya entering the cafe.

The guys were surprised as well as they looked at the girls.

I quickly hid my face when the girls started to make their way to the booth behind ours.

I let out a sigh of relief while the guys gave me weird looks. I didn't want the girls to know that we were here. Especially Natalya.

Yesterday, after Natalya dozed off to sleep, her phone kept buzzing. I didn't want to be nosey and became that boyfriend who checks his girl's phone but the continuous buzzing sparked curiosity in me.

So yeah fuCk me!

I went through her messages with the girls. They planned to have breakfast here without us. And to not let us know about this plan.

So the guys were right. I hate this fuCking place. And there were several reasons for that. One being that it was too fuCking far for having a breakfast. Especially for the ones who were not morning person at all. Second this place didn't even have an air conditioner. And it was the nicest way of saying that without sounding like a fuCking snob. It was all natural. I mean that was not a bad thing but an air conditioner wouldn't hurt anyone.

I even had to lie about being here with my family last week. I was just thankful that the guys didn't caught on my BS.

"I thought she needed beauty sleep?" Ace whispered, shocked and angered.

"Who?" I asked.

"Charli. I asked her to meet before school and she instantly denied and said she needed beauty sleep and didn't even let me pick her up for school."

"Why the fuCk are we whispering?" Isaac rolled his eyes. "And why are we hiding from them let's just go a–"

"It's so peaceful here." Isaac words were cut off by Natalya.

I wished I could see her eyes right now which immediately brightens when she likes something. But I couldn't because of these leaves like curtains which provides pRivaCy.

"More peaceful since the guys are not around." Charli giggled.

"FuCk yeah." Elo exclaimed.

"On second thought, just hear what they have to say." Isaac said, relaxing on his chair.

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