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"Unhealthy Obsession With Chocolate"


I slowly turned my face to look around me, taking in the tall dark trees. I squinted my eyes as very bright light hits my face. I tried to walk in the direction of the same light. Moving away the branch of tree, I moved forward but let out a painful scream when my left feet step over a sharp object. I felt tears leaving my eyes but I willed myself to walk again as I saw the light began to fade slowly.

I heard a shuffling sound behind me. I turned my head around and saw a large figure approaching. A cold chill ran through my spine as I looked at the creature's bloody red eyes. It was slowly approaching me like when a predicator approach its prey. I didn't think twice before picking the hem of my dress and sprinting through the woods. Forgetting about the pain in my feet and just running like my life depended on it. And I think it kinda does at that moment.

I looked behind me to see the creature nearing me then turned back to front to see that the light is almost faded. Fear crept inside me and I began to run fast with everything inside me. A small smile appeared on my face when I reached the light. I put my hands over my eyes and walked through it.

I slowly removed the hand from my eyes and gasped at the side in front me. A wide smile took over my face when I saw a stream of chocolate. I began to walk towards it but stopped, surprised when I didn't feel the pain on my feet. I tuned my head and my eyed widened when I saw nothing behind me. No dark scary creature nor the tall dark trees.

I looked down at noticed that my once disheveled condition was back to normal. Letting out a short laugh I began to run towards the chocolate stream. My eyes began to glimmer in happiness and I Sat down on the grass, quiet comfortably. I admired the whole lively and colorful forest, closing my eyes and listening to the flowing of chocolate and the chirping of birds.

Opening my eyes, I decided to taste this sweet liquid in front of me. Slowly dipping my finger in the chocolate, I brought the finger to my lips. Just as I was about to lick it, I hear a strong muscular voice which I exactly know to whom it belongs.


I stopped midway and looked around but couldn't point out from where that voice came from. So I did the only thing anyone in my place would do.... ignored it. No one can come between me and my chocolate.

I was about to lick my fin–

"Natalya Rose Stepanov!"

I yelped and fall off the bed with my face kissing the floor. I groaned and tried to move but it was hard considering that my legs were tangled with the blanket.

I'm so gonna kill him!

I couldn't even taste the chocolate.....But what kind of dream was that? It couldn't be a nightmare. I did see and almost ate the chocola–oh who am I kidding! I didn't get to eat chocolate! It was a bloody nightmare!

I peeked from under the under my hair and there stood in the door frame, my not so amazing brother, smiling at me. I glared at him as I try to untangle myself from the covers. If the looks could kill he would be six feet under.

"What?" He asked raising his eyebrows at me. "In my defense you were not waking up so I had to do something or else you would've been late for school."


I can't be late on my first day of school!

"Yeah thought so," my brother said after taking in my expressions. "Go get ready. I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast." He said while walking back downstairs in the kitchen.

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