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"Bloody Hell Indeed"



We stopped as someone called from behind me and Adrian. We turned around and saw a man with a little girl catching up to us, hand-in-hand. The guy was older then Addy. May be mid forties or something. And the girl was may be five or six years old.

The guy smiled and pulled Addy in a side hug. "I'm glad you're here. I hope it was not difficult to locate the house."

"It was no problem at all. And thanks for having us for dinner." Addy replied. I looked down at the little girl who was clinging to, who I assume is Mr. Knight's leg.

I turned my attention to Mr. Knight when he looked at me with a smile. "You must be Natalya?" I nodded my head. "Well you've grown up. I remember seeing your photo in Adrian's cabin. You were quite little in that." He then shook my hand.

"Hello, Mr. Knight." I gave him a small smile.

"Call me Ethan please." I nodded my head.

The little girl who was clinging to Ethan then started to jump, up and down. "Hi! I'm Julia. But you can call me Jules."

"Hey Julia!" I waved my hand at her.

"Hey Julia! How are you doing?" Addy asked, crouching a little.

"I'm good but I can be better if you gave me some chocolate." She said excitedly. I narrowed my eyes at Addy while he chuckled, avoiding looking in my eyes. So that's where all my chocolates go.

"No chocolate for you missy. You know what mommy will do, right?" Ethan smirked at Jules.

A cute pout formed on her lips before she turned to me. "You're pretty." I bit my lips as I felt heat creeping up my cheeks. "Daddy! Daddy! She looks like a Disney princess."

"Yes, sweetheart. She's also a princess just like you." Ethan said making Addy nod his head with a chuckle. I'm sure my face resembles a bloody tomato right now.

I bend down to reach Jules height while the guys talked about business and stuff. "Do you wanna know a secret?" I asked Jules.

She nodded her head vigorously. "You are prettier than me." She squealed, hugging me tightly. I giggled as I almost lost my balance. She pulled back then started to talk about everything and anything. From hair to her favorite school teacher.

Addy and Ethan were walking behind us while Jules was taking me inside her home all the while talking about some new princess movie. I tried my best to look interested. Don't get me wrong, I instantly fell in love with the little girl walking beside me but Jesus! Can she talk?! She's been talking non-stop about the princess and their prince.

Suddenly Addy stopped and pulled his phone from his pocket. "Excuse me please but I've got to take this. You guys carry on." Ethan nodded his head understandingly and Addy went to the corner to pick up the call.

Ethan walked up to us and put his arm around my shoulder. "Are you okay with it? I can rem---"

I cut him off, shaking my head. "No its fine."

"Daddy we have same hair color!" Jules jumped, holding her hair in her tiny fingers.

"Yeah honey. I know." He then turns to me. "So how do you li--"

Before he could complete his question. A very angry and feminine voice cuts him off. "So this is your 'employee'?" A blonde woman came in the door frame. She was gorgeous. But was looking very angry. Scratch that. She was looking livid and was glaring daggers at.....ME?! Woah! What did I do?

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