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"She looks anything but o-fucking-kay"


I sprinted as fast as I can with Joseph, outside the cafeteria, away from the beacon of my embarrassment. The idiot behind me is still laughing.

"Bloody Hell!" I exclaimed after we stopped under a tree. "This is so embarrassing. Jesus! What have I done? I'll be the laughing stock for the whole school now. And he.....arghh why did he have to sit there today?! I already hate him!"

"Hey hey hey! Calm down." Joseph held my shoulders to stop my pacing. He looked at me with his deep brown eyes. "Deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Yeah?" I did as Joseph told me to do.

In and Out.

In and Out.

"Jesus! I fell on his lap!" Joseph flinch when I exclaimed once again, removing his hands from my shoulder and giving him wide horrified eyes.

I started pacing back and forth once again. I heard Joseph's sigh. I still felt the goose bumps when my arms came in contact with his warm neck. I can still hear the thumping of my heart.

"Natalya!" I heard Elo. I watched as she, Gray and Logan ran up to me and Joseph.

"Hey, you okay?" Grayson asked with concern evident in his eyes.

"She looks anything but o-fucking-kay." Joseph snickered from beside me.

"Well that was.....embarrassing." Logan said, scratching his hair. Elo hit him hard.

"Geez thanks!" I sunk in the grass and began pulling it. But then stopped. Why am I letting my frustration out at poor grass?

The rest of them settled down as well, forming a small circle. Elo and Joseph were on either side of me, while Logan and Grayson were in front. To be honest I felt a little comfortable when these two are around. Don't get me wrong, Gray is sweet but it gets kinda awkward when it's just the two of us. And as for Logan, I've not gotten a chance yet to talk to him properly.

"Oh c'mon! It was not that fucking bad." Elo patted my back. The guys snickered and she threw a deadly glare at them. "Look at the positive side, instead of just falling on his lap you could've ended up smooching him."

The guys erupted into laughter. "But that was so embarrassing. The whole cafeteria was bloody looking at us." I groaned and hid my face behind my hands.

"Look Natalya, this is high school. They'll remember it, may be for a day or two. Tops one week but then they'll forget about it." Gray gave me a small smile. I tried to smile back at him.

"Or they'll just get bored of it or who knows that may be some more interesting shit happens for those fuckers to gossip about." Joseph said looking at me. I nodded my head.

"Madison got her long shiny hair fucking shaved! Just imagine this being the new gossip. Now that would be fucking epic!" Logan said making us burst in laughter.

I looked weirdly at Elo who had a dreamy look on her face. "What?"

She gave me dreamy smile. "Just picturing a fucking bald Madison." We rolled on the around in laughter after hearing her sadistic dream. "Just imagine a bald Madison standing between Ruby and Linda. Oh how much I'm wishing to add a fucking hair removing cream in her shampoo."

We laughed harder. "Please stop! I can't take it anymore!" Joseph said while laughing.

Just then the bell rang indicating that the break is over. We all stood up and made our way towards our respective classes.

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