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"So we meet again, lap girl?"


I smirked as her electric blue eyes widened once Natalya looked at us. She cursed in her sweet British accent and was just loud enough for me and my friends to hear. We moved to greet Adrian, shaking his hand.

Damn he's strong.

"And she's Adrian's younger sister, Natalya." An involuntary breath of relief released my lips once I heard dad. A smile took over my face but I quickly hid it when Isaac and Ace smirked, looking at me.

"We kinda know each other. She goes to our school. We had a very....." I smirked as her face turned red. "interesting first encounter." I took a seat beside her's. Keeping a good distance. Adrian raised a brow at Natalya but she just smiled nervously and shrugged her shoulders.

Ace and Isaac went and placed themselves on the couch opposite to Natalya's. While I took the one beside her's. Jules, who was getting bored with the quiet environment went inside the kitchen to annoy her mother.

"Oh that's great! You can always ask them for any kind of help. They have a quiet a reputation in school." Dad winked at her.

"Figured." She muttered making me chuckle.

"Seriously you can always ask them if someone's troubling you in school. What do you guys call these....yeah they're the bad guys of school." I rolled my eyes at Dad as he said that.

Bad guys? Puh-lease! We're the golden boy-----the fuck am I saying?! of course we're the bad guys!

"I tend to stay out of trouble so I doubt that I'll be needing any of their help." Natalya said giving me side glance. Isaac and Ace chuckled while I raised my brows at her.

So she's a goody two shoe kinda girl?

"So we met again, lap girl? huh?" I whispered near her ears.

She turned her head in my direction. The ends of her long blonde hair, hitting my face as she turned. Her beautiful blue eyes narrowed at me. "Unfortunately." I chuckled shaking my head. Feisty ehh?

Jules came back jumping and stopped in front of Natalya. "C'mon! C'mon! I'll show you around the house!" Natalya smiled at her, nodding her head. "Let's go to my room first. It's so colorful. Unlike this house. It's boring. Who even likes brown color....." She dragged Natalya with her to the stairs and continued to rant about who knows what. I watched with a small smile as Natalya laughed at something Jules said.

"Creep." Ace snickered and I flipped him off, forgetting that we've guest over. Isaac and Ace chuckled as I quickly looked at Adrian and Dad and released a sigh of relief once I saw they didn't this small incident.

I looked around the house, noticing the small things that I've never seen before. Yeah that's how fucking bored I was right now. It was also kinda awkward now. Dad and Adrian talking about their damn business. Isaac was doing some shit on his phone while Ace was trying to sneak on his phone.

"So, Adrian, you do workouts?" Ace asked, out of nowhere. "I'm sorry. I don't know your last name."

"Stepanov. But you can call me Adrian. And as for your question. No, I don't do workouts. I just go for morning jogs." Adrian replied.

"Damn you look like one of those MMA fighter." Ace exclaimed making Adrian chuckled.

"Thanks. Actually I was a part-time trainer when I first moved to Jersey and after completing my studies, I left the training and started working at Knights."

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