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"My Best Friend Slash Brothers From Other Wombs"


"Stop it, Jules......."



More fucking giggles.

I groaned and rolled over my back. I should've locked the DAMN door!

I felt soft fingers touched my hair. "Fucking hell Jules! Stop it!" I said trying to get rid of her hands as she pulled my hair from their roots with all her might.

I sat up frustrated to remove her away from me. I glared at her while she gave me one of her innocent eyes and smiles. The little devil. "You don't want me to become a fucking tickle monster now, do you?" I threw the duvets away and pulled her giggling self on my lap.

"There's no such thing as tickle monster, Dari-Bear. This thing's getting old now." She said smirking at me. "And you cursed."


"Bad Dari-Bear." She wiggled her eyebrows at me then tried to get away from me but I held her quickly and pulled her back. "Daddy! Darius said the---" I covered her mouth with my hand before she could say the rest. But the little spawn of satan fucking bit my hand. She bit my hand.

"Fuck!" I groaned and removed my hand. She took advantage of the situation and quickly ran outside my room, giggling.

I cursed before getting up from the bed. I made my way towards the kitchen where I saw dad having his breakfast. "Morning" I said as I took a chair beside dad on the table. He nodded his head. Martha, our maid gave me a cup of coffee. I thanked her and she just smiled at me in return.

"I heard you had a very colorful conversation with my daughter." Dad said and finally looked at me from his breakfast. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to drink my coffee. "You should be careful around her. I don't want my only daughter to fucking learn this kind of words at such a young age."

I rolled my eyes at his hypocrisy. Isn't he the one cursing right now?!

"Daddy!" The she-devil squealed as she came in the kitchen with Margot, my stepmom. She jumped and sat on dad's lap.

"Morning, honey." Margot greeted then pecked dad's lips. "Morning, Darius." She then took the other chair beside dad.

"Morning." I smiled at her then resumed to drink my coffee.

Now before you think that she's anything like the typical stepmother showed in Disney films, so you're fucking wrong. She married my Dad when I was ten. At first I was really angry at dad that he forgot about my mother that quickly. But once I got sense then I understood why dad needed to marry again. Everyone needs a partner in their life. Dad already spent years alone to take care of me. He did ask me first before getting married.

My mom died from leukemia when I was four so I don't remember much about her but she was an amazing mother from what Dad and Martha talked about. I know she's in a better place now. And though I accepted Margot in my life but I'll never be able to call her mom. And she understands that. Dad and she had Jules when I was twelve. I thought that dad would forget about me once she was born but I was wrong. Dad had always put me first.

My dad, Ethan Knight, is a well known business man. At first I also thought that Margot only wants to marry my dad because of money and fame. But I was wrong. She really loves him. Even if she's younger than him.

"Daddy! Dari-Bear said the bad word." Jules voice brought me back to the present. I narrowed my eyes at her. Little she-devil.

"Yeah I know, princess" Dad nodded his head. "And he sure will get his punishment." Dad smirked at me while Jules wiggled her eyebrows.

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