12. Mall

227 3 6

Hamilsquad😎 (im here too:'(-burr)

Frechfry🇫🇷 - *insert picture of Alex and Thomas Sleeping*

AndpReggy- awwww

elizAAA- how the heck are you guys so cute?!

ANGELICaaa- adorable. I hope I'm invited to the wedding.

Horsefucker- ^^

ahhhBURRn- I don't know either of you too well but I hope your relationship does well :)

Frenchfry🇫🇷- you are the best* burr ;)

MacaroniFucker-why the hell did you take a picture of us sleeping?! And why did I wake up to the group chat blowing up?!




Horsefucker- Ah shit...

MacaroniFucker- ha.

I chuckled reading the chat over again. Alex stirred in his sleep so I rubbed his back to calm him down. He eventually stilled, but cuddled up into me more. I smiled and put my phone down to got back to sleep.

I jolted awake with Alex when I heard the front door slam open. Alex looked at me scared. I looked down at him and held him close. I picked him up and silently ran to the closet so we were safe. Alex curled up in my lap and started to cry. He buried his face in my chest which muffled his already muffled, from his hand, sobs. I held on to him tightly and glared at the closed door in front of us. I heard someone run in the room. Alex and I froze each of us going dead silent. "Mon petit lion?! Thomas?! Where are you?!" I heard a French voice yelp. Alex looked up at me. I nodded a bit. "Laf?" Alex whimpered. The closet door swung open to reveal the tall Frenchman staring down at us. "The Schuyler sisters are 'ere, they are quite scary!" He yelped running away.

I looked down at Alex and we hesitantly stood and walked downstairs. "Alex!" I heard Eliza yelp. "What happened." I asked groggily. "You fell back asleep?" Angelica asked. "Uh yeah. Alex didn't wake up so I fell back asleep with him." I sighed rubbing my eyes. "Alex were you crying?" Herc asked. "Y-no. No I wasn't." He huffed walking over to me and making grabby hands. I chuckled and leaned down so he could get on my back. He crawled on and buried his nose into my neck. I chuckled and walked to the couch spinning Alex around so he was in my lap. He curled up and mumbled something along the lines of 'I'm going back to sleep'.

It's been and hour of talking with the Schuyler's, my cousin, and possible next best friend. "So, was Alex crying?" Peggy asked. "The noise from the front door slamming open woke us both up, we though we were being robbed so I took him to the closet and held him so he wouldn't freak out. He cried though." I sighed messing with the little green gremlin's hair. Alex sighed in his sleep and curled up more. "That was, 'ow you say? Adorable! Yes, adorable." Laf smiled. I smiled back and tightened my grip on Alex.

"We should go to the mall!" Eliza piped up. I looked around at everyone, they nodded. I looked down at Alex. I smirked and picked him up and put him on my back. I started to jump around making Alex wake up. "Ah!" He yelped as I threw him jokingly on the couch moving to tickle him. "Nooooooo!!!! Laf hellppppp meeeeee." He giggled, squirming around. Laf just looked at him and shrugged. Alex gasped dramatically and faked passing out. I laughed and stopped tickling him.

598 words!

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