Chapter Twenty-Nine: Island Paradise

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Having made our way back to the coastline, Gajeel and I had arrived in the port town of Ixora where there is a legend of a buried treasure on one of the nearby islands. Normally I wouldn't care but the islands off the coast according to a professor I contacted are a possible site for the Mashima settlement. With the waters around the islands pretty much impassable at this time of year, flying over was our only option. Practically forcing Gajeel onto the back of Apus I star dressed into Gemini and changed into my still stored Happy version.

Half an hour later when we arrived on the rumoured Jaborosa Island Gajeel was pissed and I was windswept. A few minutes after trying to tame my hair, I gave up and quickly braided it not wanting to bother Cancer so early in the day. Glancing round and getting a lay of the land I quickly came up with a strategy. Recalling Apus intent on getting an aerial survey I tossed him one of his favourite furuta cookies as I gave him his instructions.

"Apus sorry for the short rest, could you do me the favour of flying up and scouting the island for the whereabouts of any ruin sites or any old building and land marks. Look for breaks in the forest or anything that looks man-made."

With a trill of agreement and a 'Yes Mistress Lucy' in my head Apus took off and I settled on my next task which was a ground survey. Kicking at the ground and look at the nearby trees made my mind up. I hadn't even gotten the words out before the flash of light and the expected greeting.

 I hadn't even gotten the words out before the flash of light and the expected greeting

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"Punishment Princess?"

Just going with it I suddenly had a thought about how long it had been since the last girl's night. Looking at Virgo carefully I noticed she seemed more manic than usual. Making a note to talk to her later I came to a quick decision.

"Virgo I want you to tunnel into the ground carefully and look for buried cities or underground structures. Be careful of the island's composition and if you manage to find something before Apus does on the next girl's night I'll tie you up and force feed you chocolate cake."

I ignored Gajeel choking behind me as I watched Virgo's eyes shined with manic intent before she whipped herself up and over in a flip and then into a dive into the ground. Looking back over at Gajeel I could tell he was trying not to laugh. Giving him the go ahead I watched as the man held his belly as he Ghihi again and again. Resisting the urge to 'Lucy-kick', I waited for him to calm down before I attempted to explain.

"Gajeel you should know by now that each of my spirits are unique and require me to do things in a special way. Virgo wants discipline she wants the master/servant relationship. Aries is apologetic no matter how good a job she does. She needs to be able to say sorry and needs positive reinforcement. Gemini are mischievous, and will play pranks and tell secrets to get a reaction. They need me to keep them inline but also to let them play. Each spirit when treated with respect and individual care will shine. When played to their individual strengths and actually given what they need they become immensely stronger."

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