Chapter Twenty-Six: Family Planning

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We had gotten info on a new set of ruins set deep in the mountain region a day's journey from Freesia Village when the magic lacrima went off. Thinking nothing of it as Laxus had gotten into the habit of ringing to check on me now that Gajeel had started to carry it with him in his travel bag, I gestured for him to answer it. Shaking his head Gajeel simply tossed the crystal my way and sat down to see what food he had stashed away. Giving in to the inevitable I powered up the com and braced for trouble. Seeing Mirajane wasn't really that surprising as her and Laxus had started officially seeing each other the other month which meant he tended to complain to her about my absence and so she had gotten into the habit of ringing to check our progress.

"Hello Mira. What does he want now?"

As I waited to see what Mira needed as a call from her usually involved a lengthy talk on all the guilds business especially who liked who. After hearing how Lyon Vastia and Merudy came to visit and how her and Juvia Lockser had talked about wedding plans and after that Mira couldn't shut up about little Viper, Eric and Kinana's new born daughter I was seriously close to rolling my eyes. Glancing over when Gajeel started moaning about crazy matchmaking baby fanatic she-demons much to my exasperation, I of course tried hushing him before Mira heard.

"Gaj, shush, not so loud."

I unfortunately made the mistake of using the nickname too loudly causing the barmaid in question to start squealing and of course faint with the immortal word 'babies' floating out of her unconscious form. Not wanting anything to do with that drama I was about to hang up when Lisanna appeared across the bar and started waving for me to wait a second. I watched as she jumped the rail and simply stepped over her prone sister. I couldn't help listening as the youngest Strauss got right to the point.

"Hi Lucy, hope you're doing good? We actually need to talk to Pantherlily. The guild got a call from the Exceed village early apparently there's something wrong with Queen Shaggotte and they want Pantherlily to call them immediately at the Exceed village."

Not wasting any time I thanked her and then hung up with the guild. Immediately connecting to the Exceed village I shouted for Pantherlily to come over. I couldn't help wondering what was going on as I remember him telling me he had visited not six months ago. Pantherlily flew over and hovered over my shoulder just as the lacrima was answered. Before the picture cleared Gajeel had wandered over to see what the commotion was about. Seeing the face of one of Shaggotte's advisors Muganto I think their name was, we didn't even get a word out before he was shouting.

"Sir Pantherlily you must come quickly, the Queen's egg is about to hatch."

Before I could comment I heard a swish and a thud from beside me. Looking over I couldn't see anything until I looked down and was shocked to see Pantherlily passed out on the ground with a stunned look on his face. Glancing at each other I and Gajeel at first don't know what happened, it was only after Gajeel bent down to check on his best friend that I had a sudden moment of clarity: Pantherlily was the father. Not getting anywhere with waking Lily up quickly Gajeel stood and started looming into the lacrima.

"Oi, what you want with my cat?"

Hitting Gajeel to shut him up I tried to discreetly tell him what's going on. Gajeel simply stood there blinking in shock after the word 'father' came out of my mouth. Lucky for me Pantherlily had woken up and was able to take over the call.

"Minister Muganto, tell Lottie I'll be there as soon as possible. It should take me no more than a few hours."

Turning to us Pantherlily handed back the deactivated lacrima and quickly moved to his rucksack.

"Miss Lucy, Gajeel I must apologise for abandoning our quest. I must go quickly. Please take care of each other."

I smiled to show no hard feelings and bid him safe journey as I glanced at Gajeel to find him still stood there in shock. I didn't think he had actually heard anything past the point where I said the word father. It was a couple of minutes before Gajeel pulled himself together enough to start bellowing.

"What is going on?"

Ignoring his panic attack, I was too busy thinking about the implications of a Pantherlily and Shaggotte couple. Without realising it I started mumbling out loud.

"If Pantherlily and Queen Shaggotte are a couple now then it's possible they were a couple back in Edolas, which would mean that Pantherlily is Carla's father."

When he registered what I said Gajeel went into an even more of a catatonic state. Seeing what has happened to him I couldn't help but start to tease him.

"If Pantherlily is going to be a father doesn't that make you a crotchety old grandfather."

Snapping out of it at my giggles, Gajeel started muttering to himself as he stomped off further down the mountain trail.

"Darn cat, not telling me anything. Secretive little idiot, how am I supposed to keep an eye on him if he doesn't let me know things."

Giggling harder as I followed behind him it took me a few minutes to realise that with Pantherlily off for an indefinite length of time that meant me and Gajeel would be alone together. When the thought of sleeping in the same tent popped up I no longer felt the urge to giggle; I didn't know what the funny feeling in my stomach was at that thought but I didn't like it. Hurrying to catch up as Gajeel had started stomping faster, I tried to get my mind back on track and out of dangerous waters.

"Gajeel do you think the new Exceed will be a girl or a boy?"

Up ahead Gajeel suddenly stopped and his signature laugh rang out as he turned back to face me with a smug smirk on his face.

"Ghighi, it'll be a boy of course; a strong warrior that we'll have to train up. Hey this proves that my cat is better than that damn hothead Salamander's. Two kids and that ratfink Happy hadn't even got one."

I felt my eyebrow lift at the pettiness Gajeel was displaying and couldn't help turning the screw when I realised he was still insulting Natsu.

"If you're Lily's pseudo-dad, and Natsu is Happy's pseudo-dad then since Happy is with Carla doesn't that make you and Natsu in-laws?"

I was smiling when I heard Gajeel start sputtering and choking. When the yelling started about not being any relation to the overgrown fire newt, I shook my head and started tuning him out. Shaking off Gajeel's competiveness I had the sudden thought that Mirajane would have a field day when the news got back to the guild; something I couldn't help but think would be soon, especially knowing Happy's big mouth when it meant secrets in exchange for fish. Securing the lacrima in my bag I cast it one more glance thinking about everyone back home and relationships and how time changes things in ways that even I didn't expect.

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