Chapter Seven: The S-Class Client

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Lucy POV:

As the train rocked on its way to Kalum City I couldn't help but wonder at what I'd learned from the diary. Concentrating I tried to will the headache I'd gotten from staying up half the night rereading it away, something that wasn't really working. The dust that had covered my old bedroom hadn't helped any and I was starting to wish I'd simply waited and continued on to the client's house last night instead of staying at the mansion and reading and making plans. The diary had giving me everything I could have possibly wanted to know about the time travel and subsequent deal with Zeref but what it hadn't given me was any clues about an actual location for Aquarius. The problem was my family had owned Aquarius' key since the beginning so we had never had to look for her. My only hope was the references to finding the other Zodiac keys that had been lost over the generations. I found myself drumming my fingers against the book as I thought.

"Excuse me miss your ticket please?"

Coming out of my thoughts I automatically reached for the ticket on the seat next to me and showed it to the passing guard. When I saw him wave to show I was fine I went back to thinking about my Aquarius problem. Each Zodiac when lost had been rediscovered in a specific place that had some special meaning to that particular spirit: Scorpio tended to be discovered in desert regions, Virgo was usually found buried, while Sagittarius was hidden in woodland areas. If I was to take an educated guess Aquarius should be in some form of water. It wasn't really surprising as this had been a theory that had been in the back of my mind since I'd learned her key had been reformed. Before I could think about why, my hand drifted to Capricorn's key and his name was on my lips as power was pushed into his gate.

"Good morning Lucy-sama, how can I be of service today?"

Smiling at the ever polite spirit, I couldn't help but think that Capricorn and Virgo made quite the pair; they both had that stoic and severe attitude and both of them had a masochistic streak though Virgo's was more in your face than Capricorn. Pushing that possible weird as hell matchmaking task back for another time I gestured for him to take a seat on the bench opposite me so we could talk more easily. As he sat down I tried to get my thoughts in order.

"Capricorn I know you can't give me specifics about previous owners especially any personal or private information so don't worry that's not why I brought you out."

I'd gone over all of that ground with Leo and he'd drilled it into my head that passed relationships between celestial spirit owners were confidential and the spirits weren't allowed to tell me anything. Today what I wanted from Capricorn was much simpler.

"Capricorn, am I doing the right thing?"

My voice had come out more quiet than I had wished; I sounded like a little girl asking for reassurance from a parent. I guess in a way I was. This whole scheme had been on my mind for weeks as I'd planned it out and now that I had set it in motion I couldn't help but second guess myself and whether or not I was acting selfishly or even if I deserved to once more own Aquarius' key.

"In what way Lucy-sama?"

Glancing across at Capricorn I said what I'd been afraid to say for months, no years now.

"Should I be doing this after what I did do I even deserve to..."

"Excuse me for interrupting Lucy-sama but allow me to say what Aquarius-san has ordered all of your spirits to say if this topic once more comes up. You are not to blame, it was her choice and she and all of your spirits would have gladly made that choice for your life. He was going to kill you; Aquarius-san did not have any other option. She knows this the Spirit King knows this, we all know this all that is left is for you to understand in your heart. Also please be advised that she has threaten to force her way into the human world and to drown you if you do not in her words 'get a move on' and find her key. She is growing most impatient though she does not show it. I believe hearing of you through Master Leo and Mistress Virgo is causing some jealousy."

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