Chapter Forty-Five: Facing The Future

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Epilogue: set five months later. 

The guild has been semi-normal as of late though there are now a lot more couples in residence. Celestial Spirit mage Lucy Heartfilia since she has been back has been splitting her time within the guild. She tended to float from person to person going on missions with practically everybody.

Officially she was part of a team with Iron Dragonslayer Gajeel Redfox and the exceed Pantherlily. They told people they found out they liked working together when they were on the S-Class mission and since Lucy was one of the four people that passed the recent S-Class trials Gajeel demanded they take the more dangerous missions gearing himself up to take another S-Class quest when he could talk Lucy into it.

In order not to have Fire Dragonslayer Natsu Dragneel burn down the guildhall Guild Master Lightning Dragonslayer Laxus Dreyar had decreed that Lucy had to go on jobs with Team Natsu every once in a while though truthfully Team Natsu didn't really exist anymore. Ice Demonslayer Gray Fullbuster tended to go with his fiancée Water mage Juvia Lockser and Requip mage Erza Scarlett continued to work her way through the S-Class board with her paramour Heavenly Body mage Jellal Fernandes. This left Natsu and his exceed Happy at a loose end so they had taken Command T mage Brandish μ under their so called wing and dragged her on crazy adventures.

Lucy has kept busy as not only has Juvia been dragging her into wedding preparations but Poison Dragonslayer/Soul Listener Eric (who stole her last name) Heartfilia is insisting that his daughter little Viper spend quality time with her aunt Lucy. When you add in Laxus conning her into doing his paperwork she doesn't know how but she has managed to find the time to date Gajeel on the down low something that comes to a screeching halt when Lucy comes storming into the guild one day looking for Gajeel. Within moments of entering Lucy starts shrieking and once within range starts throwing anything she can get her hands on at him while continuing to yell.

"This is your entire fault, you knocked me up you asshole! Your stupid super dragon sperm and its impossible baby making has done this."

Everyone is shocked, and before anyone can get their heads around a Lucy and Gajeel couple Wendy' voice is heard

"Lucy-nee you can't have children because of the damage during the war."

This causes another tidal wave of outrage as half the guild demands to know what Wendy meant while the other half want Gajeel's head on a platter. Before the guild can erupt in war there is a chime, ring, and flash of light as Celestial Spirit Leader of the Zodiac Leo formerly Ring mage Loke appears. With a shrill whistle he asks everyone to settle and to let him explain.

"For those that don't know when Lucy was injured during the War she lost the ability to have kids. She didn't tell anyone as that was her right but now that doesn't matter as when she was on her S-Class quest she was attacked by a dark guild and its master. Remember Princess in the desert when Rowena used the Staff during the battle; what she tried to do was drain you of your power but the Staff doesn't work like that. What she ended up doing was in essence willingly switching your injuries to herself, and since the power starts internally it seems the previous damage done to your reproductive organs was up first."

Before Lucy could wrap her head around that she found herself dragged upstairs into her new office. Slamming the door to keep out the rest of the guild, Gajeel passed in front of her and asks if she is sure about the baby. Lucy takes her time as everything is just now hitting her. All morning she had been riding on a cloud of outrage but now that it was real she could feel a bubble of happiness spreading. Nodding she confirmed it and told him she had Porysalan do the test and scan; that she had told her she was almost six weeks pregnant.

They stand there wondering what the hell they are supposed to do now. Lucy finally breaks and tells Gajeel that she is happy about the baby, that even though they have only been together a short time that she wants this baby as she never thought she would have the chance. Gajeel drags her into his arms and tells her that he would do anything for the both of them and that there is nothing to worry about that they would be a family. They share a soft kiss and tell each other 'I love you' for the first time.

Going back outside they had forgotten about the nosey dragonslayers who have given the rest of the guild a play-by-play of their conversation. It is party time at the Fairy Tail guildhall with the expected reactions from the guild members, including Erza's stuttering congratulations and Natsu and Laxus both telling Gajeel they would pummel him if he hurt her.

The party was in full swing and it looked like it would all go alright at least until the arguing over who would be godfather started. It started small with both Natsu and Laxus claiming status that was until Eric, Gray, Loke, and when he woke from his shock Pantherlily joining in. Before anyone could stop it a huge brawl sparked; which wouldn't have been so bad if Erza hadn't choose that moment to comment that she would make the best godmother.

This seemed to be a step too far for several of the guilds female members as Mirajane, Juvia, Cana, and surprisingly enough Brandish all objected. When Virgo and Aquarius popped up on their own power and way into the argument the whole guild gets involved stating who they think is best to hold the honours of godparent and aunt and uncle. A guild wide brawl ensues leaving the way clear for our two lovers to slowly make their way out.

As they head off to Gajeel's newly built house out in the woods, it seemed Lucy and Gajeel had a bit of planning to do. Their life had changed once again but they had learned that not all change was bad sometimes it could lead to something great. Walking away they left behind the guild to do what it does best; though it took them a long time, it seems that at long last everyone in Fairy Tail is finally back where they belong and that the future would be full of more crazy adventures.



AN: What a crazy adventure and I'm not talking about the story. I just wanted to thank my readers for putting up with the wreak that was the loading schedule. I can only once more say sorry for my extreme absence. I know it won't matter to most but I am never posting another story until it is finished and edited. This last few days as I blitzed through the last ten chapters has taught me my lesson, writing at five am in the morning hopped up on coffee and no sleep is not a good idea.  I can only close by saying I hoped you enjoyed the story and read it for what it was a simple piece of entertainment. 


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