Chapter Nineteen: Moving Forward

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Lucy POV:

The next morning I felt Horologium awaken me at the appropriate time just after dawn. Thanking him it took me a few seconds to remember why I was sleeping outside of my tent. Bypassing my usual morning jog and exercise routine I relayed this to Capricorn as I asked Virgo to come out silently and help pack up the camp. Changing out of my Plue sleep shorts and top into a blue tube top and white cargo shorts and blue sneakers I watched as Virgo packed up what she could. Having finished I quietly asked her to bring out my extra camping supplies as I hadn't seen any bags when I rescued Gajeel and Lily yesterday. Deciding to leave them the tent as I walked inside I softly called out Ara to scan them one last time trying not to wake them as I wrote them a quick note. After getting the all clear I stashed the note and dropped off a bag of enough supplies to see the two boys through for several days.

It was with a little bitter sweet feeling that I turned and started to leave. Before I could exit I stopped and brushed my hand across Virgo's key once more. Appearing for once without saying a word she handed me what I wanted then left. I turned back and before I could think about it bent down and kissed Pantherlily goodbye and left a rolled up scroll against his little paw. When opened it would reveal a small painting Reedus Jonah had created for me showing Levy smiling and reading with Gajeel's and Pantherlily sleeping . Acting on instinct I brushed a soft kiss on Gajeel's brow and whispered take care.

Hurrying out a quick brush of Pyxis' had me start running towards the south west

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Hurrying out a quick brush of Pyxis' had me start running towards the south west. With the boys on the mend I felt safe leaving them and making my way to the next Ruin site. Lucky for me this mountain range was already in the right direction and should only take me a few hours to get there.


Time-skip: Four Hours Later:

It had taken me close to four hours of walking and scouting the landscape to reach the old abandoned city not to mention avoiding the pesky booby-traps outside the structure. It took a while but Crux finally managed to translate the hieroglyphics on one of the inner chamber walls leading to the discovery of it not being the right site but this is of course only after Virgo had to dig a tunnel underground to the forgotten ruins and after I had used Sagittarius to take out several poison arrow traps lying in wait within the buried ruins. By the time I realised it wasn't the right site but the ruins of Shinobi another hour had been wasted and we had almost made it all the way though the structure.

Not bothering to move I decided to sit and have lunch before climbing back out and making for the next location on my list. As I sat there eating a salmon sandwich and strawberry smoothie I couldn't help but think how the two boys were doing, by this time they should have woken up. I had reviewed Ara's last scan and both of them were on the mend, if they took it easy they should be at full capacity within a few days. That thought however brought me up short, when ever does a Fairy Tail mage take it easy. I could clearly see Natsu after the 'Battle of Fairy Tail' covered in bandages asking Laxus for a rematch. Gajeel might not be that dumb but he was still a dragon slayer the breed didn't know how to take it easy. Even Wendy pushed herself past her limit every time it came to heeling her nakama. Shaking my head at my family's stupidity I finished my meal and stood.

Stretching I figured I'd take a short cut out. Star dressing into Virgo, I tunnelled my way up and popped up by the ruins main entrance. Arriving back on the surface I had barely seen sunlight when suddenly I'm ambushed. Ducking on instinct a guy took a swipe at me with a broadsword. Not knowing whether these were Rowena's thugs or some opportunistic bandits I wasn't taking any chances as a whole host of bad guys started heading my way. Quickly I did a triple combo calling out Lynx, Capricorn, and Taurus while I changed into Cancer's star dress and used his swords to take out the guy who first attacked me. Knocking his sword out of his hand I crashed the both of mine across the back of his skull effectively knocking him out.

Being on my own this time and with more enemies to fight I decided to hit them hard and fast trying to take them all out without doing too much damage the ruins in the process. Without the sword guy out that left eight opponents which meant an even split of two bad guys each. Trusting in my spirits, we charged together me taking the two on the far left. I heard various spells and attacks being called out as I managed with some quick foot work to stay ahead of my opponents attacks. Using Cancer's speed against them, I dodged and slashed seeing as I moved around Capricorn fighting hand-to-hand with one man, while Taurus bashed in another guy's head with his axe. Using my swords reflective abilities I finally managed to take both men out by pitting their own magic against each other. Glancing around I saw Lynx take out the last bad guy with a combo claw and teeth attack. After thanking them they nodded and returned to the spirit world as I stood and tried to catch my breath.

Figuring it would be a good time to skedaddle I realised I wouldn't be able to put up any more of a fight; I had had too many spirits out today and most of them one after the other. I forced myself to stagger further into the forest, trying to get far enough away to feel safe. I managed to walk/stumble for a good twenty minutes before calling Gemini/Freed with the last of my power. I was just about to ask for a rune barrier for safety when my magic power ran out and everything went black.

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