Chapter Twenty: Change of Mind

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Lucy has finally set out alone on her quest to find Aquarius' newly forged key. Knowing it could take years she had taken up an S-class quest to find a lost city as a way to prove her worth. While researching at the Crocus library she is attacked by men who claim to work for a mysterious Rowena who is after Lucy. Setting out Lucy meets friends from the past and gains new spirit family on her journey. As she deals with her emotions from the loss that happened during the War Lucy runs into an unexpected surprise in the form of Gajeel and Pantherlily hurt. After getting some things concerning Levy's death off her chest Lucy sets out once more only to be attacked once again.


3rd Person POV:

Unbeknownst to Lucy at the same time she was making her way to the next ruins Gajeel and Pantherlily had woken up and made their way back to Little Root Town. Even though Gajeel didn't want to Pantherlily had forced him to return and collect the reward as even if they were injured they had in fact vanquished the monster. Once at the town hall Gajeel realised that it would be a great time to get a sit-rep from the guild using the mayor's lacrima. What Gajeel was most interested in was what was going on with Bunny Girl; as he had realised after she disappeared that she was on her own and he hadn't been able to smell any of her team on her, not that he had been really paying attention or even cared he was just curious.

After getting through to the Demon that he had to talk to Sparkplug, Mirajane finally relented arguing with him and wandered upstairs and passed it to Laxus who was relaxing against the second floor railing observing the rest of the guild. Once Laxus glanced down to see who it actually was, he started swearing.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

Before Gajeel could start swearing back Lily grabbed the lacrima and started updating Laxus on all the quests they had completed. Not bothering about any of that Gajeel's patience finally ran out after a few minutes and he snatched the crystal back and barked out his question.

"Oi Thunderthighs shut that crap up, what's wrong with Bunny Girl?"

Laxus at first just blinked at the random question until the name finally clicked. Realising who Gajeel meant Laxus all but screamed through the connection.

"Blondie's there. Where the fuck are you? You've seen her? Where is she? Is she there?"

Surprised at Laxus' overreaction, Pantherlily and Gajeel both looked at the image with confusion.

"What you on about?"

Suddenly Laxus' image shifted as he made his way into his office and settled behind the desk. Sighing Laxus proceeded to give them a basic rundown on what's been happening at the guild and especially what happened with Lucy.

"I don't know what to tell you guys, their broken. We all can see but no one knows why. Natsu gets this look on his face; I didn't know the idiot could look like that. Mira's riding me about finding out what happened but no one was there at the end at least anyone who is saying anything. Team Natsu just imploded, I've had Erza working through the S-Class jobs with Jellel, Stripper won't go anywhere without Rain Woman, and I've had to assign the new girl to keep the Matchstick from burning down the bloody country with what he calls his new demon mode. If I thought it would work I'd stick them in another 'Fairy Sphere' and leave them there for another seven years."

Sitting back in his chair Laxus sighed as he calmed down. Before he continued he waved his hand over a glass orb on his desk and threw up a silencing barrier. Laxus then explained about Lucy's S-Class request and her secret mission concerning Aquarius' key. As Laxus explained about Tartarus and breaking the key, Gajeel suddenly had a flashback of when he found Lucy huddled on the floor crying about to be attacked by Keys. He knew something had happened but afterwards all the trouble with the dragons and then the guild disbanding and he forgot about wanting to ask her what happened.

"I can't believe she hasn't checked in lately. Do you know she's been gone for over six months? Every time I ask her it's 'oh I haven't found anything yet talk to you later' and she hangs up. I've had to put out feelers to the other guilds telling them that should they see her to report back to me. Last time we spoke she was headed to Monecious Village to take care of a Vulcan problem for me."

Laxus starts mumbling under his breath about damages and the guild hall being rebuilt for the hundredth time. They are able to hear the words stupid younger sister and lacrima before he suddenly starts shouting at Gajeel about not reporting in for several months.

"If I hadn't heard from clients on completed jobs I would have sent someone after you two by now. The 'Thunder Legion' would have been more than enough to drag your sorry ass home, so next time don't bloody test me"

Pantherlily is able to calm him down and then starts answering most of Laxus' questions concerning Lucy and her state of health and her last known location. As once again Laxus starts a rant about Lucy and her wandering ways Gajeel finally had enough and intercedes.

"Oi Sparkplug if I agrees to go check on Bunny Girl and make her call you back will you stop going on about it?"

Stunned Laxus shuts up. Even Pantherlily was shocked at the normally apathetic dragonslayer's willingness to help.

"Gajeel if you don't mind me asking; how exactly are we going to find her?"

Suddenly Lily heard something he hadn't heard in a very long time, Gajeel infamous laugh.

"Geehee that's easy we're going bunny hunting. I can still smell her scent; she hasn't gone far just the other side of the forest."

With that Gajeel throws the lacrima back to Lily and walks out the door. Before he can hang up Pantherlily sees a look of confusion on Laxus' face. He is just about to enquire when Laxus shakes it off and wishes them luck. The last thing Laxus says before the screen goes dark is to watch out for bandits in the area. Placing the lacrima back down on the desk Lily activated his aera magic and took off after Gajeel hoping that this would be the beginning of something that could potentially help Gajeel turn himself around.

Gaining Courage: The Search for the Lost Keys (a Fairytail Galu story)Where stories live. Discover now