🔥Muy fuego 🔥 ~Huí

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Yeah. I don't know how I feel about it either. I don't know why they chose me instead of like Kino or something..." Hui trails off, still messing with his bag. My gaze softens, and I walk over to him.

"Hey you're a good dancer too okay? We'll get through it together" I reassure him, moving my head oddly to try and look into his eyes. Hui turns his head to make eye contact, and I can see how his eyes are deep, deep shade of brown, and how his lips are full and pink. Neither of us look away from each other, the air growing thicker and thicker, and the temperature rising higher and higher.

"HOLLLAAAA AMIGOS" A man sassily walks into the room, his hips waving harshly from one side to another. He's got light brown eyes and hair, with a bit of stubble surrounding his cheek bones. The man isn't that tall, but he isn't short either. If I had to give an estimate, maybe around 5'10. He walks towards me and Hui, and then gives us both a dainty hug.

"My name is Miguel, and I am your dance instructor for today!" Miguel clasps his hands and smiles at the both of us.

After light introduction, Miguel makes us follow him in a warm-up sequence, before we get to the actual nitty-gritty.

"Now. I don't want to just make you two dance together without any feeling as to what it's going to look like" Miguel says, his slight accent peeking through some of the words.

"So I brought my boyfriend Eric" he says, gesturing towards the spot where Eric was sitting.

"Woaaahh was he there the whole time?" Hui asks. He must be just as shocked as I am. Usually I'm pretty aware of my surroundings, but I didn't even hear the door open when he entered, unless he entered the same time Miguel did.

Eric is a bit shorter than Miguel, and maybe 2 inches taller than me. He's also white, and has black hair, but the prettiest blue eyes. You can tell Eric was a lot more shy than Miguel is, because when he walks over to us he shyly smiles and keeps his head down.

"Hi Eric!" Me and Hui smile at him, waving and trying our best to make him feel less awkward. I really wanted him to feel like this was a safe environment, because I know that you have to be comfortable to dance properly.

With no warning, Miguel put's his leg in between Eric's, with Eric slightly bending his knees but not too much to where he's sitting on his leg. Their hips connect, and soon theres no space left between them. Hui and I watch in shock as Miguel and Eric's pelvis slowly and sensually grind together. Their bodies are morphed into one as their hips move in synch and their hands remain on the others hips or face.

The dance did have parts where they were apart, but I'd have to say a good 70% of the dance was slow and sensual, and even when they were apart their hands were always holding each other.

When Miguel and Eric take their final pose, Hui and I clap our hands rapidly with our jaws dropped in shock. I look over to Hui and he looks back at me and mouths, "ready for this?" There's no way I can answer that question. Of course I'm ready to dance, but to this? With......Hui???

Miguel and Eric waste no time and walk over to us, showing us who to follow and how to do the steps separately before we do it together. If it wasn't obvious, I was following Eric, and Hui was following Miguel.

Eric, as I said earlier, is very shy. But, he doesn't play when it comes to dancing. When he teaches me, he makes sure to give me criticism on what I'm doing right and wrong.

"Come on Naomi you have to slightly squat and slowly rock...see you're doing it too fast" Eric criticizes me, snapping his fingers. My body isn't quite used to the moves, but it doesn't take too terribly long before I can correctly execute them.

Just Pentagon thingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon