Chapter 31

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Niall, Harry, and Elli are coming back today.

Plus, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Leah, Alexia, and Carrie were also coming back today.

After I was done cleaning the house, playing with Bandit a few times, and putting up the Christmas decorations I was tired. But I was never the person to let tiredness get in my way.

I got a shower, blow dried and straightened my hair, and put on makeup and clothes.

My clothes consisted of black skinny jeans, a black plaid buttoned up shirt, (unbuttoned), and a printed black and white tank top shirt underneath.

Not to brag, because I'm not a bragger, but I looked way better than I ever do on weekends.

When I sat down on the couch, the doorbell rang.

I looked out the peep hole and it was.....

I quickly opened the door and hugged Elli.

"Kaitlin!!!!!!" She yelled. "I missed your sarcastic answers!"

"I missed always having someone watching out for me!!!!"

"Omg!!! I missed the couch, the counter, oh, and I missed Bandit!" Harry said in the girly voice Elli and I were using. He sounded hilarious.

"Okay, Kaitlin, I've got to give it to you, I've never seen you be so girly." Harry said.

"Thank you. I never plan to be that girly again."

"Yeah sure." Elli said.

"I said PLAN."


We all helped Elli unpack and Elli went over to Niall and Harry's flat to help Harry.

I put Elli's laundry in the washer.

Then the doorbell rang.

At first I thought Elli just forgot her key again and rang the doorbell.

I looked out the peep hole.

IT WAS NIALL!!!!!!!!!!

I opened the door quickly, wrapped my arms around his neck, and hugged him.

"You're all in one piece!!!" he said as he put his arms around my waist and hugged me back.

"I tried."

"I thought Elli and Harry would be here by now?"

"They are. They're over at your place.
Elli's helping Harry unpack."

"Oh, why are you so dressed up."

"Dressed up? Oh, I haven't washed my sweatpants yet." (yes, don't judge, I wear sweatpants on weekends.)

He took me hand and guided me into the living room.

He set down his bags and pulled me in for a kiss.

I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tight, continuing the kiss.

He put his arms around my waist and did the same.

When the kiss ended he went into the kitchen and dug around in the fridge.

"You have no junk food in this thing."

"Blame Elli. She's on a new diet."

"Why? The girl's already 20 pounds too small. You too."

"Thanks but you can't change her mind. Trust me, Harry's tried."

"Id try if that meant that I could eat something in this house."

I sat down at the counter and then the door opened.

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