Chapter 21

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"...Now we got to go."

"Okay." I said.

And we left.

So we were off.

We went to Aeropostale, Gap, Nike, and Under Armor to get stuff for my family and we went to some baby store for Katherine.

We had finally finished shopping and went to the food court and got something to eat.

Once we were done with that I got a text.

It was from, ugh, Ryan.

Oh! I never told you guys what he looked like.

He is handsome. All the girls in school liked him...besides me and a extremely small hand full of other girls.

I don't wen know why I don't like him. I guess it's because I never liked any guy who was popular in our small school.

Ryan Owens and Chloe Owens. A cute couple but my brother-in-law hates my guys, dead or not.

Some of you guys may know what I'm talking about having an in-law hate you but some of you may not. IT SUCKS!!!

Okay, back to reality.

The text read.

"Kaitlin your sister needs baby diapers."

Ew, that was the last thing I needed to read while I was eating.

"Kaitlin? Are you okay? You look green." Elli said.

"Yah, I'm fine. Chloe needs diapers for Kate."

"Ew. He couldn't have waited just one more minute. We would have been done."

"Never mind that. I want to know what you want for Christmas and are the guys coming over?"

"Harry and Niall are going to see there family and I just want iTunes cards."

"Thanks for your help, Elli. You make it really easy to know what you want."


I got another text.

It was from Niall.

"Hey, I'm gonna be at my family's place for Christmas. What are you doing"

Well let's see. My family in Alabama are going to my family in North Carolina (and yes I'm from Alabama but I'm not all yee-haw and saying y'all all the time kinda person.) and Elli's going to see her family along with Leah, Carrie, and Alexia are going to there families too so I was just gonna spend Christmas with Bandit.

But I CAN'T tell Niall that. He'll flip out.

So I quickly replied with:

"I'm spending the day with Alexia."

In my head I was saying to Alexia: Sorry Alexia. I only picked you because Niall doesn't have your number.

"Kaitlin I we're going to get home before dark we need to leave now."


So we left.

Once we got home Ryan and Chloe were trying to feed Katherine so I just went to my bedroom and hid all the presents.

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