Chapter 8

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I had been woken up by the sound of crying. It was Elli and Harry.

They finally saw I was awake and started smiling.

"Kaitlin!!!!!!" Elli screamed.

"Kaitlin!!!!!!!" Harry screamed.

"How bad am I?" I asked.

I had a broken leg, broken rib, and bruises and scraps everywhere. One of my scraps,rather large and deep, on my forehead needed stitches, and my lip was busted open.

"Where's Niall?" I asked.

"Umm......." Elli said.

"He's not any worse than you are." Harry said, trying to reassuring me.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"He has a broken arm, stitches in his leg, and bruises and scraps." Elli said.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, but he's still asleep from the shot they gave him for his arm."

I started to wonder how Elli and Harry weren't broken any where, but then I looked at them and realized, yeah they weren't broken, but they did look like they were hurting from they're cuts and bruises.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"Yeah we're fine." Elli said laughing.

"Kaitlin cares about people?" Harry gasped.

"I'm human too ya know." I said.

"Where's Niall?" I asked.

"He's in the next room, are you okay?"

Elli said.

"Yeah but can you come here?" I asked.

She came over and bent down,"yeah?"

"I need to use the bathroom." I whispered.

"Huh, okay well, I'd have to help you get in there." she whispered.

"I know but I need to go, and tell Harry to leave while I do this."

"Okay, he needs to check on Niall anyway!" she said laughing.

Niall's P.O.V.

The room was empty when I woke up, but then Harry walked in. I tried to smile but I couldn't. It hurt too much.

"Niall don't smile, it's okay I know you you're happy!" he said worriedly.

"Huh, wait where is Elli and Kaitlin, what happened to them, what happened to me?" I started to raise my voice but lowered it.

"It's okay Niall. Elli's fine, and Kaitlin's....." he said.

"AND KAITLIN'S WHAT?!?!?!?!" I screamed.

"Kaitlin has a broken leg, broken rib, busted lip, stitches on her forehead, and bruises and cuts on her body,but she's fine! I swear!" he said.

"And you well you have a broken arm, stitches in your leg, and scraps and bruises everywhere." he said.

"Is Kaitlin okay, are you okay?"

"Yes we're both okay."

"Okay well I need to use the bathroom."

"You know you'll need help getting in there."

"Fine, but I need to go NOW."


Kaitlin's P.O.V.

After I used the bathroom and got settled down again, I asked Elli how she and Harry were fine.

A Niall Horan Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin