Chapter 12

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The doorbell rang. And I being the only one not wanting to watch the movie I tried and failed to get it. I fell on my butt.

Everyone was screaming and asking if I was hurting. Well I wasn't.

"Why'd you fall Kaitlin?" Louis said as if he didn't know.

"Oh for no reason. I was just testing gravity."

"Well does it work?" he said.

"NO!!!" I yelled. Man I was moody today. Oh well.

"Well someone get that door." I said.

Liam got it, and bent over to get something. I was trying to see what it was but they were all in the way.

"OH MY GODNESS!!!!!!!" Elli yelled.

"What?" I asked still mad because I couldn't see anything.

"It's Derek. He escaped. He has Carrie and Leah. We can't get them for another...... FOUR WEEKS!!!!!" Elli screamed.

"Doesn't he know that we have a life and that my cast will be off by then.... Wait is that what he wants is for me to fight him?" I asked.

"Um....what yeah, why would he want you to fight him?" Elli asked.

"A few days after I figured out that Carrie was dating him, I told 'em that if he hurt Carrie that I would hurt him way more than he hurt her."

"Why would you do that?" Alexia asked.

"Stop you're whining. I got this even in a cast."

"But you won't have one on in four weeks... no, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!" Elli yelled.

"Don't do anything you'll regret is all I'm saying." Harry said.

Naturally I was gonna smirk, but since I couldn't I simple said that he liked Elli. There was plenty of blushing to go around.

"Your a whole lot more mischievous than I thought." Niall said.

"Huh. No kidding." Alexia and Elli said.

"Yeah sometimes hand me the note." I said.

----------------------------------------------| Dear Asses, | | It is my pleasure to tell you that I |

| have escaped and that I have your | |friends.Let this be a lesson, I always | | get you back. You can have them in 4| |weeks. |

| |

| Sincerely, |

| Derek. |


My world was utterly crushed.

A Niall Horan Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora