Chapter 38

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I woke up to Elli's alarm clock. Am I the only one who wants to pick up the alarm clock and throw it out the window and go back to sleep. Don't lie! We all want to!


I decided, since I obviously wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep, to go ahead and get ready.

I carefully pick up Niall's arm that was still around my shoulders and placed it gently on the pillow next to me.

I carefully walked upstairs and into my bedroom.

I got dressed and put some makeup on.

Doing my hair sounded like it too much effort so I just put my hair in an Elsa fishtail braid. (or at least that was what it was suppose to be.)

That took at least an hour.

Now it's about 9:00.

I'm never up at 9:00...NEVER!!!!!!

So, Elli was surprised to see me up.

Niall was still asleep so I had to be quiet.

"Elli, why was your alarm clock on?"

"I just have to go somewhere okay."

"Okay, what's for breakfast?"

"I don't know? Cereal?"

Normally I don't want cereal but now I love it. I like all the junky ones though like, cocoa puffs, Reese puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and, oh my goodness, I LOVE Lucky Charms!!!! Not because it has a leprechaun on it, but because I like all the marshmallows in it. (let's be honest, who doesn't?)

I got out MY lucky charms and poured some into a bowl.

I like eating them plain with milk on the side.

I walked into the living room.

I had to wake Niall up. Elli was leaving to do who knows what and I had to go get Bandit's shots up to date.

I shook him gently.


"Hmmm......." he said in a groggy voice. It was kinda sexy.

"Niall, Elli has to go somewhere and I gotta get Bandit's shots updated. Unless you wanna stay here alone, I would suggest that you find Harry or Liam or Zayn or Louis."


I went back into the kitchen, sat down, and ate my cereal.

Then someone put there arms around my waist.

"Hello, Princess." Niall said.

Of course he had to say that while I had just put a big huge spoon full of cereal in my mouth.(remember, NO milk!)

"Hey." I said once I finished chewing.

We stayed like that for a while until I finished my cereal.

Niall let me go so I could get Bandit ready to go to the vet.

Well, I'm gonna spare your brain...and your gut because the shots were painful for Bandit...and me.

I got home and Elli was there.

"Hey, what'd you do all day?" I asked.

"I went shopping."

Let's see, Elli likes shopping just as much as I do, (I don't like it at all!) never buys anything unless she has to, likes to stay home as much as possible, and we're not going on a tour for another month.

All that's going through my mind is...who's birthday have I missed?

Let's see it's February.

Oh My FISHTAIL-BRAID!!!!! It's gonna be Harry's birthday soon!!

Well...all that thinking!



"What'd ya get him?"


"What did you get Harry for his birthday?" I said slowly.

"It's a secret."

"Well, fine then!"

We sat in silence for a while. Elli was looking at a catalog and I was reading a sequel to "If I Stay" by Gayle Forman. (I was reading "Where She Went" if you don't keep up with romantic books).


I heard a knock at the door. (don't lie. I had you thinking something different than someone knocking on the door.)

Elli got up to go get it.

Niall and Harry came in.

Right when Harry said "hello" I read the word "shit" in my book.

"What are you reading this time?" Harry nagged.

"You know, if it PAINS you so much, then why do you even bother asking?"

"I dunno. Curiosity?"

"Well I'm reading "Where She Went"."

"Another romantic novel?" Niall asked.

"You know it's my brain, and I can do whatever I want to with it."

I got up and walked into my bedroom.

Did I really just. No, I'd never! No! No! No! No! No!!!!!

I didn't just walk out of their looking mad did I?

And I tell myself, "Yes you idiot yes you did."

I was gonna run downstairs but Niall opened my door right when I set down my book.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, babe."

He walked over to me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and looked me in the eye and said, "Oh, so I've gone from Niall to babe? Impressive."

"I know, right. You should be proud of yourself. I woulda never had called anyone that back home!"

He bent down and kissed me.

"I'd hope not."

Then my phone went off playing "Royals" which meant the worst word ever invented was calling. Management.

"Princess, please tell me you don't have to take that."

"I'm so sorry babe but you that's it's part of my job to."

I answered.

"Kaitlin, we need you to come as quickly as possible because we found another folder of work that you couldn't complete when your were hurt."

"Please don't use "hurt" because I wasn't. I was just held back for a while."

"Okay Miss Kaitlin."

"Bye." I said.


"Don't tell me you have to leave."

"I'm sorry...again, but you know I have to."

"Kaitlin, could you please just stay here. You have to go in tomorrow anyways. Why don't you just do it then."

"Niall, I can't argue with them a whole lot more."


"Niall, what if Elli, if I can convince her, and I could pretend to have to flue."


"Good, now I gotta go."

I ran downstairs and said my goodbyes.

And I was off to finish another folder and come back home, get a shower, blow dry my hair, and go to bed.

A Niall Horan Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon