Chapter 14

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It was dark. I could barely see a thing, and that wasn't exactly good for me since I was already in a cast and bandages around my my broken rib.

I decided I was going to get Carrie and Leah anyways. Especially since this whole thing was my fault.

I couldn't take a car because they would here me and I can't drive with a broken leg.

So I walked... with crutches.

I found out how to get to Derek's house, but I had to wing it 'cause I couldn't take my phone cause if I us it, it would hit a cell tower and Derek could try to track me by using that.


I finally got to his house. No lights on. I thought I would go to his basement to see if he put the girls there, you know, since he put me there.

He left the door unlocked. Stupid. So I crept in.

Someone hit me in my arm.

I turned around and saw Leah.

"Kaitlin!!!!" she screamed.

"Where's Derek?" I asked.

"He went to go find you and Elli and kidnaped you guys too. Where's Elli?" asked Carrie.

"SHE'S NOT HERE!!!" I screamed.

"Well, let's go get before he does." Carrie said running out the door.

We drove off in the car they had taken.

"So did he hurt you?" I asked.

"No, only a light hit here or there." Leah said.

"Why'd you hit me in the arm?" I asked.

"I thought you were Derek." She said.

"No why'd you hit me in the arm when you could have hit me in the leg or something."

"Oh, cause, do you remember when you started to go unconscious?"


"Well when he was trying to get you in his car, your leg hit him right in the arm. I think you broke it."

"Huh, I'm mischievous even when I'm unconscious."

"We're here and no sign of Derek." Carrie said.

"Are you sure he took his car?" I asked.

"Yeah, we heard him start it." Leah said.

"Okay, I'll go inside. Hand me your key." I said.

"Why, you never lock the door!" Carrie whispered.

"Niall and Harry did when they left."

"Then how'd you get out without unlocking the door or even taking a key."

"I jumped."

She handed me the key. Obviously mad at my actions and I left.

Once I got inside I saw Harry was on the couch, then I felt someone touch my arm.

It was Niall. Just my luck.

He laughed. I guess at the face I was making cause Elli didn't trust me enough. Or at least not as much as would have hoped.

"Huh, why'd you leave?" he asked.

"I couldn't let my friends stay down for something I had done. Especially since I know what happens." I simply replied. "How'd you know that I left?"

"I knew you would." he said.

"Where at they?" He asked.

"Right here." Leah said.

"I'm gonna go get Elli." I said.

I went upstairs with everyone, that was awake, following me.

"Elli wake up. We need to go."

"Why?" She said in her morning voice.

"He's coming for us." I said.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!!" She said.

"Because Carrie and Leah told me."

"Did you leave? how did Harry no here you coming down the stairs."

"Yes I did leave and I didn't use the stairs."


"Hush, Harry's still asleep, but Carrie and Leah are safe!" I said in a loud whisper voice.

"Let's go to my flat." Niall suggested.

"Elli hurry up an get everything you NEED."

We grabbed what we need and left.

Of course after waking up Harry.

Elli wouldn't let me leave him.

When we got over to Niall's place I had just enough time to set everything down before Bandit had jumped on me and brought me to the floor.

Somehow that dog has better aim then me. He jumped right on my broken rib.

I felt bad for him cause Elli scolded him and he hasn't seen us in days.

I sat on the couch, leg prompted up, since it was hurting from where I jumped two stories up, and finally starting to sleep.

I heard people screaming and woke up reaching for a crutch to whack someone with.

"DEREK!!!!" I yelled.

"YOU!!!" he yelled back.

"Yah me. Why are you here I already took your hostages AND the next."

"I came to finish it." he said.

Harry had jumped to Elli's side, and Niall raced to mine.

"Just give me what I want and I'll leave!" he said.

"What DO you want?" I asked.

"What belongs to me! My true love! CARRIE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"You broke up with me! You're a criminal now! Why would I go back to you?!?!" Carrie yelled taking the little space between me and Elli. Which was now Elli, Carrie, and me.

I had taken out my phone and started to record what was about to happen. I knew that it would be something the police might wanna hear.

Goodnight or good morning or good afternoon, wherever you are, have a good something my lovelies.


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