"Yes?" I answered her. 

"I can still hear it," she told me, staring at the record player. 

"But it's not on," I told her. 

"Then it's something else. Something spinning," Malia said with a scoff. She stands up, looking at the wall.

"Uh..." I said not sure what I'm looking for. 

I check the record player on the table and notice a cable extending out of the wall behind it. I moved the table out of the way and kneel to the cord. I hold the cord in my hand, looking back up at Malia. Then, I start ripping the cable up and out of the wall. The drywall splits as he pulls the cord toward the ceiling. We tear away the remaining board to find large, old fashioned, reel driven computer tape drives behind the wall. 

"What is this?" Malia asked

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"What is this?" Malia asked. 

"The dead pool," I told her. Malia steps towards the machine about to punch it, but I quickly grab her arm to stop her. 

"You can't just smash it to pieces

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"You can't just smash it to pieces. Okay? If this thing's being used to disseminate the list, then it's probably gonna keep going until everyone's dead," I explain. 

"Then what do we do?" Malia asked. 

"It needs some kind of prompt or command or something, right?" I guessed. She walks up to the machine and I thought she was going to hit it again. 

"No, no, no," I told her. 

"What about a key?" Malia said, pointing to a control on the face of the central unit that is accessed by a key.

Lydia's P.O.V

The Sheriff still had his gun pointed at Peter, who was still on the ground. 

"Are you kidding me?" Peter asked.

"Hands where I can see them," the Sheriff told him. 

"How the hell was I supposed to remember any of that?" Peter asked them. Stilinski moves his gun, motioning for Peter to stand up and he does. 

"She got it from you," I said. 

Anchor ~ Scott McCallМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя