Chapter 30~

31 3 2

Your pov,

First up was Izuku's room, "you're such a fanboy!" Ochako said looking through the posters of Allmight.

"This is embarrassing..." Izuku muttered timidly.

Next was Ojiro's room, "It's so simple!" "Did you even move a thing?" Mina and Toru said.

Next up was Ayoyama's room, "Isn't it magnificent?" He said.

"How do you even see any anything in this room?" I asked, but before Ayoyama could reply I walked away. Next was Tokoyami's room, "no way." He said blandly. But, Toru and Ashido ain't buying it, pushing him aside, they entered the room. I smiled, as he fell to the side and then, helped him up.

"So, who's next? There's Bakugou, Kirishima and Sero in this floor." Mina asked.

"Speaking of Bakugou, where is he?" Iida asked using his hand motions.

"Oh, he thought this was lame and went to sleep," Kirishima said and I rose an eyebrow.

"You guys go on, I'll be back in a sec!" I said as they walked to the next room. I knocked on his door but, to no avail. I knocked again, still no answer. Then the door opened, revealing a half-asleep Bakugou.

"THE HELL ISー is your problem?" His sudden raised voice, softened as he fully opened his eyes. He looked down, a faint blush crept on his face.

"I wanted to ask if you would like to join us in the competition, soo, you in?" I asked with a small smile. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he gave you an uninterested look, mumbling something under his breath.

"No," he said looking away.

"K, night!" I said stretching my lips into a thin line and left. Then I went back to my room and looked down the balcony to find Tsu down there. I quickly skipped down to see her.

"Hey tsu! Everything okay?" I called out, then quickly realised some of the others were there too. I gave Ochako a questioning look and she quickly explained, why we were here.

"You guys know how straightforward I am. Remember what I said at the hospital?" Tsu began and I hung my head down.

"I didn't know what happened after that, until today. And suddenly, I was speechless, knowing that I was useless and just stood by. So, I thought I didn't deserve hanging out and having fun with you all." She said tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I really am," I said hugging her, while others joined in. After that, I went to my room, as I felt the tears forming my eyes. Not even five minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door, to find the everyone outside and Bakugou was there too.

"Is it okayー" I cut Ochako off.

"Sure! Come in" I said faking a smile, opening the door for them.

"This is pretty dope!" Toru said and Mina nodded in agreement.

"It looks really pretty, just likeー" Kaminari suddenly stopped, nervously sweat-dropping then I felt a gaze burning through the side of my head, shrugging it off, I walked towards Shoto.

"What do you think? It's not half as creative as yours but still..." I asked elbowing him.

"It's pretty and you didn't see my roomー" I cut him off.

"You freakin' built the whole thing again, didn't ya? I could hear kami's complaining from your room." I said and a small smile appeared on his face, which disappeared quickly, as others turned to go to the other room.

"Is that gonna be a photo wall?" Izuku asked pointing to a wall. And I nodded smiling and opened your drawer, grabbing a photo from it. I peeled the cover and pasted it right in the centre of the wall.

Changes [Discontinued]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora