•Chapter 1•

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(A|N): Hello there! I'm officially back! It's been a long month with the exams and stuff, but anyways, without further ado, let's get on to the story.


Sakura's POV

Everyone, except for a few, decided to go in a group.

Not the smartest choice, I must say. But at the moment, it sounded good. We got separated, as Shindo used his 'earthquake' attack, so now, I'm stranded in the middle of many people who are running towards me like in the football games.

"BURN BLAST!!" I shouted as I sent a fire blast in their direction.

'Run? Nope! They'll catch up with me' 'keep dodging? That could work, but then what?' 'Hide? I'm literally standing in the middle of this place.' 'Think dammit!!' I thought while dodging. I started looking around to see if anyone was there and then I took my chance,

"AIR CUT!" I shouted aiming it on a rock that was on a cliff-like surface. The rocks fell downwards in a fast motion and as it landed, many of them got trapped in it.

"Gotcha!" I said and placed the balls that I had on the black pointers. Then the buzzer went off, 'one down, two more to go!' I thought to myself, walking towards the waiting room.

"Sakura!! You did good!" Uraraka said cheerfully.

"Thank you and you too! And where's Izuku? I thought he was with you," her head perked up to the side of my head and her eyes widened. I rose an eyebrow in surprise.

"Earth to Ochako!" I shouted snapping my fingers together.

"OH! Yeah, uhhhmm nothing I justー leave it...." she was struggling with words but that look on her face though. I turned to see Izuku who looked startled and was sweating as he talked to a girl next to him, 'ohhh so that's what's up!' I thought smirking to myself, patting her on the shoulder, I walked up to Izuku.

"Hey, Izuku!" I chirped.

"H-hey! Saku-chan this isー Camie Utsushimi.." I held out my hand as she shook it with a bright smile, but something about that smile seemed way too similar to— I was interrupted out of my thoughts by her.

"Sakura Esterious, right?" She asked and I nodded smiling.

"Yep, that's me! And I'm sorry for interrupting you guys, but I had to talk to Izuku," I explained.

"Sure, anyways, I've to go now but we'll meet again." She said with a smile and started to walk away, 'something doesn't feel right..' brushed away my thoughts quickly.

"You saidー" I cut him off.

"Ochako!" I called hooking her arm with mine, I continued, "she wanted to and guess I'll just leave now!" I said flashing him a smile and ochako a 'sorry but not really' look and quickly walked away from them. Suddenly, I bumped into someone on the way, it was a hard hit which caused me to fall to my side.

"Oi! Extra watch wheーoh uhh, Iー" Katsuki mumbled something after that, but I couldn't quite make it.

"Sorry!" I said as he helped me up. "Watch were y-you're going next time," he said with red-tinting his cheeks cause, we were a little to close for comfort, my face was literally inches away from his. In sudden realization, a faint blush appeared on my face. We quickly moved away from each other, flashing him an awkward smile, I took a sharp turn in the opposite direction from him.

"Hmm, you're face's kinda red, I was wondering if it was because of the little stunt there...I meeeaaannn, ya know?" ochako said in a teasing tone. Jiro smirked on hearing this and I rose and eyebrow with a light glare.

"Uhmm, I didn't see anything like pshh...no nothing!" She remarked and tsu and Momo nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, totally!" Toru added. I looked at Mina but before I could reply, she cut me off.

"I-I-I was.. uhmm, blind? yeah, that was it!" Mina said moving her head from side to side and I awkwardly squinted my eyes. "Uhuh, yeah bye," I said and went back to the grounds for the second test.

As the buzzer went off, everyone started working on the mission. It didn't take much time to spot the people who were trapped and most of them were cooperative except for a few, so it was going pretty well. I spotted another person, no a kid actually, she was sitting in the corner shaking, as she hung her head down. I quickly walked up to her and knelt to her level.

"Hey there, you okay?" I asked, 'do not ask too many questions at first, as it may be overwhelming to the other person but this may change, as per the situation.'

"I-I- c-can't," she stuttered out and a quick memory the past flashed into my mind.


         Two years and one month back

Lia's POV

I have a guitar audition in fifteen minutes, I loved everything about playing guitar and getting lost in it with every chord. But sometimes, anxiety gets the best of you, doesn't it? I was standing in front of the mirror in the washroom, as my mind went completely blank. Everything around started getting blurry, as I fell to my side. My hands started shaking and I hung my head down.

Sakura's POV

The auditions started in ten minutes and there was still no sign of Lia.

"I've even checked the grounds and classrooms, still nothing," Tyson said and I sighed in response.

"Maybe, the bathroom?" I asked and he nodded quickly, I quickly went to the first floor's bathroom. I found her, but she was sitting in the corner with her head down. 

"What's wrong?" I asked kneeling down, as she looked up.

"I-I- c-can't," she stuttered out.


Jeez...now, that was aWkwArD.

Anyways, it's been kinda long, hasn't it?

How are you?

How have you been?

Also, the flashback was just like a few snaps....uhmm shots? I don't really not what it's called. So, yeah, it was like few snaps in her head but the writing is detailed. :D

That's pretty much it, imma gonna head out now!

peace <3

— Author-chan ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

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