Chapter 9

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The coffee shop's interior was a symphony of muted tones and soothing ambience, a backdrop to Baekhyun's visit. Amidst the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the opening chords of Taeyeon's song "Happy" brushed against his ears, like a serenade from another realm. It was a melody that resonated with him on a deeply personal level.

Taeyeon's music often bore the imprint of her own experiences, her heartache and joys unfurled across stanzas, reaching out to listeners who sought a connection.

However, as Baekhyun mused, despite her candid expressions through her music, the true essence of her thoughts often went unheard. Her vulnerability, so beautifully woven into her lyrics, was overshadowed by the constant hum of the outside world, the whirlwind of celebrity, and the hustle of life.

"Iced Americano, please," he requested, his words muffled by the mask, his thoughts centered solely on the task at hand.

"Your name, sir?" The voice of the attendant pulled him from his reverie, forcing him to engage with the present moment.

Time seemed to slow as he grappled with a dilemma. Revealing his true name could potentially invite unwanted attention. In a split second, he made a choice, a name borne from a blend of history and unresolved emotions.

"Baekyeon," he responded, the name leaving his lips almost involuntarily.

The utterance hung in the air, an inadvertent reunion of past and present. A surge of anxiety gripped him, a palpable reminder that even in a simple interaction, consequences could be unforeseen and far-reaching.

The counter attendant regarded him with a furrowed brow, her eyes seeking answers from behind his mask. Discomfort surged through him like a current, urging him to look away. He pretended to study the menu, a façade to cloak the unease gnawing at him.

"Iced Americano for Baekyeon!" The barista's voice pierced the tension, a call that sliced through the air, shattering the bubble of anonymity Baekhyun had tried to create. The moment was spotlighted, and a heavy pressure settled on his chest, as if every gaze in the café was focused solely on him.

Invisible whispers swirled like eddies in the café's atmosphere, their hushed tones a reminder of the curious eyes trained on him. The murmurs and quiet gasps behind him were like a backdrop, a symphony of intrigue that he wished he could escape.

But he dared not turn around, dreading the possibility of recognition. The potential for headlines and rumors loomed like a shadow, a haunting reminder of past controversies he wanted to avoid at all costs.

Baekhyun's heart raced as he bided his time, waiting for the cashier's attention to shift. His mask and cap were a shield against the prying glances, armor that safeguarded his identity from the public's probing eyes.

In a hurry to escape the scrutiny, he finally heard the barista's call once more – "Iced Americano for Baekyeon!" It was his cue to gather his change, settle the bill, and make his escape.

Retreating from the café, the weight of the gazes lingered like an echo in his mind. It wasn't until he reached the cocoon of his van that he allowed himself to breathe again. His secret identity remained intact, and for now, the storm of speculation had been quelled.

Inside the sanctuary of his vehicle, he shook his head in disbelief at the whirlwind of emotions that had overtaken him. His impulsive visit had been a blend of nostalgia and a longing for proximity to her music, a connection that didn't require the chaos of public attention.

Navigating through the bustling streets, Taeyeon's song continued to play softly in the background, its melodies intertwined with Baekhyun's thoughts. It was a surreal irony that he couldn't shake off – seeking a momentary escape, only to inadvertently invite the attention he yearned to avoid.

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