Chapter 35

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Panicked thoughts raced through his mind as he faced the unexpected gathering in the hospital room. His gaze flitted from person to person, uncertain of how to proceed.

The glare he received from Taeyeon's brother didn't help alleviate the tension, leaving him feeling even more out of place. Fumbling with the plastic bags, he placed them on the table in an attempt to divert his nervous energy.

However, a moment of desperation overtook him, his actions guided by a desire to mend the damage. Before anyone could react, he dropped to his knees, his forehead touching the cool floor. His words emerged in a muffled rush, his apology an offering to the room. "I apologize for everything," he voiced, his words directed towards the ground.

Surprised gasps swept through the room, but he felt gentle hands tugging at his wrists, urging him to rise. As he looked up, his gaze met Hayeon's—the younger sister of Taeyeon. Her smile conveyed reassurance, and he carefully regained his feet, his posture cautious.

Taeyeon's mother spoke, her voice carrying a mixture of understanding and concern. "I already know what happened," she began, her eyes resting on her daughter who lay sleeping on the bed.

Her gaze turned back to him, her questions penetrating. "Baekhyun, do you love my daughter?" she inquired, her directness startling him.

Stammering, he managed a response. "U-uh... Y-yes... Yes ma'am," he admitted, his eyes averting her direct gaze.

Her inquiry shifted, probing deeper into his intentions. "Why aren't you confident?"

Startled by the depth of her insight, he searched for words. "I-I'm sorry?"

Gazing back at Taeyeon, her mother's tone remained gentle. "Do you promise to take care of her and protect her at all costs?"

Jiwoong, Taeyeon's brother, attempted to intervene, his protests hovering in the air.

However, Taeyeon's mother's focus remained steady, her words measured. "If your sister had no feelings for him or harbored any dislikes, their relationship wouldn't have progressed to this stage, nor would all these events have unfolded. If she were merely expressing gratitude for his rescue, she wouldn't have formed such a close bond, especially considering both their statuses as public figures."

A heavy silence hung in the room as her mother's words held weight. "I know my daughter, for she came from me. Despite her fragile exterior, her heart beats strongly. Though we may be apart, I understand the workings of her mind. That's why I ask you, Baekhyun, are you truly committed to safeguarding her?"

Without hesitation, his answer emerged. "Yes... Yes, ma'am."

"I only wish the best for her, and her happiness is paramount. Ever since her father's passing, she has struggled immensely. Genuine laughter has become rare, often hidden behind a façade. The trials she faced transformed her. That's why I implore you, do not repeat past mistakes."

His resolve solidified, and he nodded in earnest agreement. Bowing deeply, he addressed Taeyeon's mother with utmost respect. "Thank you, ma'am."

"No, thank you... Thank you for always being there for Taeyeon."

A hushed silence enveloped the room, anticipation and hope hanging heavy in the air. Hyoyeon broke the quiet, her voice breathless with excitement. "Look! Her hands!" she exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention to the slow movement of Taeyeon's fingers.

In a rush of emotions, Baekhyun hurried to her bedside, joining the others who gathered around. "Taeyeon," he called out, his voice a mixture of relief and longing.

Joined by the rest, he watched with bated breath as her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her tired yet determined gaze. "Taeyeon," they all repeated in a chorus of relief and affection.

still you | baekyeonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora